Saturday, 27 March 2021

Halloween 2018 Film Review


Horror fans and film fans alike it's not uncommon for an iconic and technically still on going film franchise to have multiple times lines I mean heck just look at the X-Men movies as proof of a major film having multiple time lines. However the Halloween franchise is different because of the fact that the Halloween film franchise has three films all called Halloween and the Halloween film franchise has so many different timelines that it's honestly hard to keep up with what sequels are ignored in what film and so join me as I review the 2018 film that is called simply "Halloween" enjoy.

The plot of this film is forty years after Michael Myers first tried to kill Laurie Strode Michael Myers now return to finish the job only this time Laurie Strode and her family re not only prepared but are also waiting for him with Laurie Strode's granddaughter being his current target and as such the family have to race against time to make sure that Michael doesn't kill Laurie Strode's granddaughter and kill Michael Myers possibly for good. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is so freaking good since not only does the plot of this film rely on the ideas that were first introduced in the 1978 film but it also expands upon them and that's what i good sequel should do in my humble and honest opinion.

Starring in this film is one of this films executive producers the legend that is Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode and Judy Greer as Karen Nelson. Also starring in this film is Andi Matichak as Allyson Nelson , Will Patton as Deputy Frank Hawkins , Haluk Bilginer as Dr. Ranbir Sartain , Virginia Gardner as Vicky , Jefferson Hall as Aaron Korey , Toby Huss as Ray Nelson , Dylan Arnold as Cameron Elam , Rhian Rees as Dana Haines , Miles Robbins as Dave , Omar Dorsey as Sheriff Barker , Drew Scheid as Oscar , Jibrail Nantambu as Julian Morrisey , James Jude Courtney as Michael Myers / The Shape , Nick Castle as Michael Myers / The Shape and another Halloween legend because we also have P. J. Soles as The Voice Of The Teacher.

As for what I thought about the acting that's in this film in all honesty the acting that's in this film is alot better then it really had any right to be and I say that because no one expects great acting from a sequel to Halloween. However that isn't the case with this film since pretty much all of the actors that are starring in this film turn in some really good performances in my opinion and while yes there are some actors that don't turn in good performances in this film (I can't think of them right now but one of them is Drew Scheid) but those actors and their performances are in my opinion at least very few and far between but that's just what I think about the acting that's in this film anyways.

Now then boys and girls this is something that we might not have known at the time but unless you a die hard Halloween fan that is but this film actually kicks of yet another timeline in the Halloween film franchise. Now after doing some quick maths I worked out this is actually the fourth timeline in the Halloween film franchise since there's of course Halloween which then spawns Halloweens 2 , 4 , 5 and 6 and then there's Halloween H20 Twenty Years Later and Halloween: Resurrection which ignores Halloweens 4 ,5 and 6 and then there's Halloween 2007 and Halloween 2 2009 which is a remake timeline and then there's this film , Halloween Kills and Halloween End which ignores every Halloween barring the 1978 original film.

Now then boys and girls this film does rely on some of the old Halloween tropes and story ideas like for example Michael Myers is being persued by a doctor and Michael does kill a babysitter. However this film puts spins on those same tropes and ideas like for example the doctor that is persuing Michael isn't trying to bring him back to Smith's Grove but is instead trying to study him for himself and in the process of that becomes consumed by Michael to the point where he is willing to protect Michael and the babysitter that Michael Myers kills in this film is a nothing character since she adds nothing to the overall plot which is a pretty solid idea in my humble and honest opinion.

Now i've been pretty positive about this film so far but there are some things that I don't like about the film. Like for example the film does feel alot like a retread of the 1978 original film which wouldn't be a bad thing if we hadn't just had a remake almost ten years prior to this film being released and the other thing that i didn't like about this is the fact that very few of the new characters that are introduced in this film are interesting or even likable since alot of the new characters that are introduced in this film are very uninteresting and are pretty unlikable but that's just what I think anyways.

Now then there is a reason as to why i've put the Charlie's Angels 2019 film poster here and that's because unlike that film this film actually has interesting and well written female characters and what makes those female characters interesting in this film is the fact that not only are they given personalities but they are also given flaws. Just by the fact that the female characters in this film are given personalities and flaws makes them more human and alot more three dimensional and the female characters in this film are alot more stronger then the female characters in both Ghostbusters 2016 and Charlie's Angels 2019 but that's just my opinion anyways.

This film film has a total running time of one hour and forty five minuets and forty seven seconds and in my opinion the film didn't need to be this long. Since you could tell the story that's in this film in one hour and thirty minuets or even just over or even just under one hour and thirty minuets and you wouldn't have to cut out anything that's important to the actual plot of this film but that's just what I think anyways.

Now then boys and girls this is a slasher film after all and that means that I have to talk about the kills that are in the actual film itself and in my opinion the kills that are presented to us in this film are in my opinion at least a very mixed bad. Since while we do get some good looking kills and some really good looking gore effects there are also a lot of kills that happen off screen which is something that you never want to do in a slasher film since the audience that's going to see your slasher film wants to see the kills and so by having alot of the kills in this film happen off screen is a very / pretty bad thing in my humble and honest opinion.

Overall this film is honestly one of the best films in the Halloween film franchise in my opinion and you can really tell that this film was written and made by people who are die hard fans of the Halloween film franchise since they made a film that somehow manages to capture the spirit of the 1978 original film. Now then boys and girls i've talked about both of the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got the images that I used in this review from well boys and girls I got all f the images that I used in this review from the official Halloween fandom wiki page and the official Charlie's Angel's fandom wiki page. With  My preferred website to use t get images from this film being the official Halloween fandom wiki page just because alot of the images that are on the official Halloween fandom wiki page are fairly high quality as well as fairly high definition and as always horror fans we end this review as we always do with our true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Night Of The Living Dead 1990 Film Review


Horror fans there are alot of horror remakes out there and nine times out of ten the remake usually ends up being pretty bad. However there is one one film that has perhaps had the most remakes or reimagining's in horror history that film being of the course the 1968 zombie / horror film classic George A. Romero's Night Of The Living Dead and so join me as I review the 1990 film which is called simply "Night Of The Living Dead" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Barbera and her brother Johnny are on their way to visit there recently deceased mother when a zombie outbreak starts / occurs and now Barbera and a ragtag bunch of survivors have to survive the night in a farm house with zombies coming from all sides outside and tensions mounting within the group happening inside the house. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty I really did enjoy the plot of this film since even tho it's the exact same plot as the 1968 original this film adds enough new elements to the story that it could really be seen as it's own thing but that's just what I think anyways.

Starring in this film is horror icon Tony Todd as Ben , Patricia Tallman as Sarah Connor AKA Barbara Todd and Tom Towles as Harry Cooper. Also starring in this film is McKee Anderson as Helen Cooper , William Butler as Tom Bitner , Katie Finneran as Judy Rose Larson , horror icon Bill Moseley as Johnny Todd , Heather Mazur as Sarah Cooper and one of this films producers Russell Streiner as Sheriff McClelland.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's in this film in all honesty the acting that's in this film is alot better then it really had any right to be. Since no one expects the acting in a horror remake to be any goody but nope every single actor that's in this film does a damn good job and if you none horror fans want proof of how good of an actor Tony Todd truly is if you die hard horror fans want reminding of how good of an actor Tony Todd then I suggest that you check out this film because man does Tony Todd really deliver in this film like i honestly feel Tony Todd delivers the best performance not only in this entire film but in his entire career in this film because he's that good in this film in my humble and honest opinion.

Now unlike the oh so many other films that bare the Night Of The Living Dead title / name this film is an actual official remake and what makes this film an official remake is the fact the original Night Of The Living Dead co-creator and director of the original Night Of The Living Dead George A. Romero served not only as this films executive producer along with co-creator John A. Russo but George A. Romero also served as this film official script writer and that right there sets this film apart from not only all of the countless other Night Of The Living Dead remakes but also from horror remakes in general because who else would know how best to tell this story with these freaking characters then the person who co-created these characters and these settings in the freaking first place but that's just what I think anyways.

Speaking of this films characters man did they vastly improve upon the character of Barbara Todd since if you recall in the 1968 original film Barbara Todd was basically a useless character and nothing more then a useless character but in this film she's the exact opposite. Since in this film Barbara Todd is basically like Sarah Connor from Terminator 2: Judgement Day in that she's a tough as nails bada*s and honestly while I do like this version of Barbara Todd I also have very mixed feelings about this take on the character.

Since by making her a tough as nails bada*s they are fixing one of the original films problems which for a remake is a good thing since it makes this film standout on it's own two feet in my humble and honest opinion. However at the same time by making Barbara Todd a tough as nails bada*s it makes Ben a pointless since the whole point of Ben in the original film was that he was the films moral compass as well as being someone who could generally fight and could generally knock you out but here since Barbara Todd is the tough one as well this films moral compass it makes Bens character seem pointless which is a shame because I really liked this version of Ben and this version of Ben seemed to be more of an action hero rather then someone who would strategies every move before even taking a single step but that's just what I think about Barbara Todd and Ben anyways.

Now then for some reason this film chose to go the somewhat happy ending route because if you remember in the original Night Of The Living Dead from 1968 all of the films main cast of characters including Ben dies either at the end of the film , during the films third act or during the actual film itself. Where as here all of the characters except our Sarah Connor from terminator 2: Judgement Day wanna be (Barbara Todd) dies which to me takes away from the film because of the fact that having a dark ending to zombie film sticks with you more then having a happy ending in a zombie film does but that's just my opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls this film has a total running of one hour and twenty eight minuets and sixteen seconds which in my opinion is about the right amount of running time for this film. I say that this is the right amount of running time for this film simply because the story of Night Of The Living Dead isn't a complex story and it's a story that we all know and as such trying to stretch this film and as well as this films story to anything even close to two hours or even in this case and hour and thirty five minuets would be stretching an already thin and simply story to beyond breaking point in my humble and honest opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this is horror film after all that means that I have to talk about the scares that are in this film and if i'm being honest the scares in this film are one of this films true highlights for me personally. Since you don't see any of these scares coming at all which for me at least is a good thing and on top of all that if you remember the original film this film changes some scares from that film which makes the scares that this film replaces the scares in the original film all the more scarier because your expecting one thing to happen but then instead you get scared by something else entirely but that's just what I think anyways.

Overall out of all of the Night Of The Living Dead remakes that are out there this one is easily the best one in my opinion. However that doesn't make this a perfect film since i've talked about both of the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all f the images that I used in this review from either the official Living Dead fandom wiki page and Google Images with me preferred website to use for images from this film being Google Images simply because there was a wide variety of images and as always we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

Sunday, 7 March 2021

Friday The 13th Part 3 AKA Friday The 13th Part III Review


Horror fans the last time I reviewed a film from the Friday The 13th film franchise it was on March 13th of last year so it almost exactly a year ago to the day that I last reviewed a film from the Friday The 13th film franchise. As such I thought that i'd set that right today by taking a look at one of my personal favourite films from the Friday The 13th film franchise and so join me as I review the film that is called simply Friday The 13th Part 3 which is otherwise known as simply "Friday The 13th Part III" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Chris and her friends go for a weekend get away at a house near near Camp Crystal Lake and while there they must survive Jason Voorhees who has taken refuge in the barn near the house where Chris and her friends are staying. In terms of what I thought of the plot to this film I honestly really did enjoy the plot to this film since it kind of avoids the whole camp setting while at the same sticking to what made the Friday The 13th film franchise so popular to begin with and it helps that the plot of this film is really well told in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Dana Kimmell as Chris Higgins , Paul Kratka as Rick and Tracie Savage as Debbie. Also starring in this film is Jeffrey Rogers as And , Catherine Parks as Vera Sanchez , Larry Zerner as Shelly , David Katims as Chuck Garth , Rachel Howard as Chili Jachson , Nick Savage as Ali , Gloria Charles as Fox , Kevin O'Brien as Loco , Cheri Maugans as Edna Hockett , Steve Susskind as Harold Hockett , Perla Walter as Mrs. Sanchez , David Wiley as Abel and Richard Brooker as Jason Voorhees.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this film in all honesty the acting that's in this film isn't really that good but at the same time the acting in this film isn't that bad either. Since there are clearly some actors in this film who are trying and in my opinion succeeding to make the script but then there are other actors who are in this film who either just can't act or just can't make the script work and as such their performances really do suffer in my opinion.

The best thing in this film as well as the must funniest thing in this film is the terrible run that Chili Jachson does. Heck the character runs so slow inside of the house that Chili Jachson and her friends are staying at that Jason Voorhees could have very easily have slowly walked up to her and killed her heck I don't know why Jason Voorhees didn't just kill her there and then since he would have had more then enough time heck he could have made himself something to eat and had a drink she'd still only be a few feet away because that's how slow she was running you'd think that since you just found out three of your friends are dead you'd pick up the pace and run as fast as you can since her life literally depends on her being to run quite quickly away from Jason Voorhees but nope Chili instead chose to take her sweet as heck time which meant that she got killed.

The best character in this film (apart from of course Jason Voorhees) is Shelly just due to how likable Shelly is. Heck in my opinion Shelly should have been the films main character because he was a lot more interesting then Chris who is this films main character as well as this films final girl since Shelly has confidence issues and in my opinion is really well written where as while Chris does have a tragic backstory it doesn't make her an interesting character since the film does nothing with that tragic backstory and it doesn't form who Chris is a character where as Shelly is a regular guy who is just trying to get the girl (the girl in this case being Vera)and that makes Shelly alot more relatable as well as likable in my opinion.

Like many horror franchises that started life in the nineteen eighties this film was originally released in 3D and while I would have very much have liked to comment on the 3D aspect of the film. I sadly do not have a copy of the 3D version of the film but from I can tell the 3D in this film is just the kind of 3D where the film makers have random objects in the film pointed at the camera and hell the 3D even took priority when making the film since actress Tracie Savage had this to say about the films 3D effects "The key priority in every scene was making sure that the 3-D effects worked. It didn't matter how the lines were delivered. It didn't matter if we stumbled or fumbled. It didn't matter if our performance was not perfect. We never did a second take...  [the 3-D effects] were a very technical, difficult thing to do." So yeah instead of putting the story first or the characters first or the acting first or anything that would have helped the film be even better then what it already is went out of the window because making sure the films 3D effects worked was deemed more important when that should have been the least important thing in my humble opinion.

Now then for that one person who has only heard of the Friday The 13th film franchise has only seen pictures of Jason Voorhees this is the film in which Jason Voorhees gains his famous hockey mask. The hockey mask is so iconic that not alot of people now that when Jason debuted in Friday The 13th Part 2 he wore a potato sack over his head with a small hole so he could see through it but in my opinion the hockey mask just looks better and i'm not just saying that because that's what Jason is more known for wearing i'm saying it because it's honestly true.

This film has a running time of one hour and thirty five minuets and fourteen seconds which in my opinion is the exact right running time for this film. Since the film really isn't doing that much new plot wise and so it really doesn't make sense to have the film be anywhere even close to two hours or even close to one hour and forty minuets since all this franchise does is repeat the exact same story over and over again for most of the films and while that isn't a bad thing in the case of the Friday The 13th film franchise it also means that the films don't have to or even need to be that long in my humble and honest opinion.

Now then boys and girls since this is a slasher film that means there are kills in this film which means that I have to talk about the kills that are in the actual film itself and if im being honest the kills in this film are pretty good. While there are some kills that don't really hold up like the death of Rick for example there are plenty of deaths still look good like for example the the death of Fox which is a really good kill in my opinion it's just a shame that we don't get to see the actual kill tho but that's just what I think tho. 

Overall this is a really good film but at the same time it's a film that has alot of issues but tho alot of issues don't stop the film from being entertaining infact they help make the film entertaining in my opinion. Since i've talked about both the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review this film gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this review from either Google Images or the official Friday The 13th fandom wiki page and for once I really don't have a preferred website to use if you guys want to use images from this film since the quality of the images on both websites is roughly the same but Google Images does have more of a verity of images tho and as always we end this review as we always do with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Death House Review


Horror fans I like many of you have wondered what it would be like if alot of if not all of our favourite horror movie actors and actresses starred together in a horror movie. Well there was a horror movie that was released in 2017 that dared to answer that awesome question and well since the last time that I saw and reviewed this movie was back in 2017 when the film was first released I thought that now was the right time to re-watch and re-review that film so join me as I re-review the 2107 film that is called simply "Death House" enjoy.

The plot of this film is two special agents and doctors are trapped inside of a facility designed to house some of the deadliest serial killers known to man kind and when an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) goes of and kills all the power to the building the serial killers are set free and so the special agents and the two doctors have to fight for their lives. In terms of what I thought of the plot to this film the plot to this film is in all honesty rather weak which is a shame because the idea is really solid and so all the film needed to make this idea work was a much stronger plot but for some reason the film chooses to go almost forty five minuets without even a hint as to what the plot of this film even is and trust me i'll hopefully why that's an issue later on in this review.

Starring in this film is Kane Hodder as Sieg , Barbara Crampton as Dr. Karen Redmane and Bill Moseley as Giger. Also starring in his film is Dee Wallace as Dr. Eileen Fletcher , Camille Keaton as Kristi Boon , Michael Berryman as Crau , Tony Todd as The Farmer Asa , Sid Haig as Icicle Killer , Adrienne Barbeau as Virtual Narrator , Felissa Rose as Dr. Angela Freeman , Cody Longo as Agent Jae Novak , Lindsay Hartley as Balthoria , Richard Speight Jr. as Bennett , Cortney Palm as Agent Toria Boon , Debbie Rochon as Leatherlace , Tony Moran as Miguel and the guy who came up with the story for this film the late and great Gunnar Hansen as Albert Kenny.

As you can see by the cast lost for this film this film features alot of horror actors and actresses and as a horror fan it was so freaking cool seeing all of these horror actors and actresses together in a feature length. Now as for what I thought about the acting that in this film in all honesty the acting in this film is in my opinion OK at best which is a shame because it is so cool seeing all of these iconic horror actors and actresses together in a movie and it sucks that the performances aren't that good but I will admit Tony Todd is awesome in this film which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone because Tony Todd is awesome in every film or TV show that he's been in.

Now what I wasn't expecting was for this film to have a Leatherface parody / homage type of character with the character who is called simply Leatherlace. What makes this even more great is the fact that the late and great Gunnar Hansen plays the father of Leatherlace how I did not spot the fact that Leatherlace is meant to be a parody / homage to Leatherface is truly beyond me since even their names sound very similar and from what I can gather just from this film Leatherlace is pretty much the exact same character as Leatherface.

For some reason this film decides to throw in a bunch of character who are meant to be some of the worst people in humanity and so some reason this bunch of characters are all immortal. Heck they don't explain how these characters are immortal they just get mentioned a few times and it's freaking weird talk about tonal whiplash the film could go from having a pretty scary scene to then having a nice calm scene with these immortal characters and there would be very little to no segway inbetween the two scenes.

I honestly feel that these immortal characters would have been better served if they appeared in a straight up science fiction horror film. Since in this film there presence just feels off and it feels like these immortal characters are the main villains of anougher movie which is a shame because the concept behind the characters (you know having evil villains that are not only immortal but also in some cases known throughout human history) is a really solid idea but this really isn't a film that needs or even wants these immortal characters in my opinion.

The closest film franchise that I could really compare this film to is The Expendables since like The Expendables featured a ton of action film stars where as this film features a ton of horror film actors and actresses. However where as The Expendables franchise is a fun series of films this one film really isn't that much fun to watch which is a shame because when you do get to see some of your favourite horror actors and actresses in the same scene that scene then becomes fun to watch it's just a shame that this film isn't as fun as it perhaps could have been in my opinion.

This film has a total running time of one hour and twenty seven minuets and forty eight seconds and now you see why spending so much time on setting up the story instead of telling the story was a huge problem for me. Since the film couldn't afford to spend as long as it did in setting up the plot of this film since the films running time doesn't allow them to spend as long as they did in setting up the main plot of this film and as such I do feel that the script for this film should have gone through a major rewrite. Since if the script to this film did go through s major rewrite then the story could have been fixed and alot of the things that I personally didn't like in this film could have been fixed but as it is I have no idea what to make of this films running time since with the short running time it means that I don't have to watch this film for very long but at the same time if the film had a longer running time then the story could have been told better or at least that's what I think anyways.

Now then boys and girls since this is a horror film that means that I have to talk about the kills that are in the actual film itself and in my opinion the kills in this film are at best OK. I say that the kills in this film are at best OK because you can barely see the kills and the ones that you can see are in my opinion not that good and the reason why you can't see some of the kills is because the vast majority of this film is set in the dark and so you can't really make out what's going on and more importantly you can't see the kills in this film which for a horror film is a really bad thing in my opinion.

Overall this film had a ton of potential but it just doesn't live up to that potential at all which is a shame because having all of our favourite horror film actors and actresses appear in a feature length film together is a good idea. It's just a shame that this film has a story that takes a very long time to get going as well as some weird as heck immortal characters which are better suited in a science fiction horror film rather then this horror film and since i've talked about both the good and the bad things that are in this film in this very review which means as such that this film gets a 4.5 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got the images that I used in this review from either Google Images or the official The Texas Chain Saw Massacre fandom wiki page with my preferred website / site for the mages that I used in this review being Google Images simply because Google Images was the only website with images from this film and as always we end this review as we always do with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

Night Of The Dead Sorority Babes Film Review

Thousands of horror films are made and released every single year and sadly this film is one of them and as is apparently the trend of horro...