Sunday, 20 June 2021

Christine 1983 Film Review


Horror fans since I really liked reviewing the 1978 film version of Carrie I thought that i'd take a look at another classic Stephen King film adaptation. However with so many good one it was honestly hard to make a choose which film i'd review and well I thought that i'd go with the film that in all honesty has the nicest car that i've seen in any Stephen King film adaptation and so join me as I review the 1983 John Carpenter film classic that is possibly soon to get a remake with the film in question being called simply just "Christine" enjoy.

The plot of this film is an unpopular nerdy teenager called Arnold "Arnie" Cunningham buys a car for $250 American dollars and it after spending months repairing the car the car itself starts to kill people and it has a negative affect on Arnold "Arnie" Cunningham and so it's up Arnold "Arnie" Cunningham friend Dennis Guilder and Arnie's girlfriend Leigh Cabot to destroy this rebuilding car which is a force of nature before it's far to late. In terms of what I personally thought about the plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is fairly decent at best which is a shame because the idea of a killer car coming to life and killing people seemingly at random is indeed a very cool and a very creepy idea this film just needed a strong enough story in order to fully support this idea and that sadly isn't even close to being the case with this film.

Starring in this film is Keith Gordon as Arnie Cunningham , John Stockwell as Dennis Guilder and Alexandra Paul as Leigh Cabot. Also starring in this film is Robert Prosky as Will Darnell , Harry Dean Stanton as Detective Rudy Junkins , Christine Belford as Regina Cunningham , Robert Darnell as Michael Cunningham , Roberts Blossom as George LeBay , Kelly Preston as Roseanne , William Ostrander as Clarence "Buddy" Repperton , Steven Tash as Richie Trelawney , We Have Ted From Friday The 13th Part 2 AKA Stuart Charno as Don Vandenberg , Malcolm Danare as Peter "Moochie" Welch and David Spielberg as Mr. Casey.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film is really freaking good. While the acting in any early John Carpenter film is always good I feel that it's good in this film because all of the characters are so perfectly cast that it's hard for me to picture anybody else playing these roles and the actors that are in this film play their respective characters to perfection with each actor knowing what performance would best suit their respective character in any given scene.

Now then this film is of course based on the 1983 Stephen King novel of the same name and while I haven't read the novel I am tempted to read it just to see how the film compares to the novel. Plus it would be very interesting for me personally to see which is scarier and if there are things that are carried over from the book and which / what things that are featured / presented to us in the book were either dropped entirely or changed when ti comes to the film adaptation.

Now then before you all start to think that i've gone even further / more insane there is an actual reason as to why i've included the poster to / for Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith. With that reason being that like Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith this film also deals with the fall of someone who starts the film as a nice guy and that is a plot line that I really love because it shows that anyone given the right motivation can be pushed over the edge and do something extreme.

One of the things that I really didn't like about this film is the fact that it's a slow burn type of film so that means that details about the plot are going to be dropped at a snails pace. While having a slow burning plot works for films like Halloween it really didn't work for this film mostly because all of the films characters are dull as a rock and you really do need to have very interesting or even just interesting characters if your going to have a slow burning plot since your audience has to have something to keep them entertained while your slowly dropping / giving out hints / information regarding the plot of your film.

This film has the most perfect opening song that i've heard in a long time because the song that they use to open his film isn't some generic horror movie them like they will most likely use in the up and coming but rather they use the song "Bad To The Bone" by George Thorogood And The Destroyers and well that song is perfect for this film. Simply because it perfectly sums up / describes this version of Christine since in this version Christine is apparently evil for the sake of being evil and so she is bad to the bone.

Now then boys and girls this film has a total running time of one hour and forty nine minuets and fifty nine seconds so let's round all of that up to one hour and fifty minuets shall we and well this film really didn't need to be that long at all. Since there's not really enough there in terms of plot or story to cover that running and so with this very long running time the film kind of feels boring and I say kind of because when the film does get to some death scenes it is pretty / really entertaining but you have to sit through alot of scenes that don't do anything for the plot nor do those exact same scene add anything to the characters and so those scenes could have been cut from the film and as such you very easily could have told the plot / story of this film in well under one hour and thirty minuets or even well under one hour and twenty minuets if you really freaking wanted to that is.

Now then boys and girls this film is a horror film after all and that means that there are some deaths / horror in this film and so that means that I have to actually talk about the actual deaths that are featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen the deaths that are featured / presented to us in this film are the most entertaining part of this film. Simply because the deaths that are in this film are mostly pretty creative and the deaths in this film are always really cool to see because of the fact that the killer is a car.

Overall while this was a pretty decent horror film it was also a fairly dull and as well as being a fairly boring horror and film and fairly boring film in general however if someone was to come up to me and say that they liked this film i'd see where they were coming from since there is alot to like about this film I tho just found this film to be pretty dull and as well as being pretty boring. Now then since i've talked about both of the good and as well both of the bad things that are in this film in this very review and as such this film gets a 6.5 out of 10 from me.

As or where I got all the images that I used in this review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Star Wars fandom wiki page , the official Stephen King fandom wiki page and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images simply because Google Images actually has images from this film up on Google Images and pus pretty much much all of the images that I personally found on Google Images were all fairly high quality and as well as being as fairly high definition and so then horror fans we ends this review as we always do with our ne and true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Aliens Film Review

Horror fans I will very fully admit that i've never seen the first Alien movie with that being said however I have seen some of the sequels and the first Alien Vs Predator film. However for todays review I thought that i'd review a film that is not only the first Alien film that I ever saw but what is also the very first mature rated film that I ever saw and so join me as I review he film that many consider to be better then the original with the film in question being called simply just "Aliens" enjoy.

The plot of this film is fifty seven years after the first film Ellen Ripley finds herself awoken from hypersleep and so with a bunch of marines Ellen Ripley goes back to LV-426 in hopes of finding and killing of all of aliens that killed her crew fifty seven years prior. In terms of what I personally thought about he plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is so freaking good and what makes the plot of this film good is that it does what a good sequel should do and that's advance the characters , the story and the world that the first film set up and it also helps that the plot of this film is really freaking engaging and as well as being fairly / very well written.

Starring in this film is Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley , Michael Biehn as Corporal Hicks aka Dwayne Hicks and Paul Reiser as Carter J. Burke. Also starring in this film is Lance Henriksen as Bishop , Carrie Henn as Rebecca "Newt" Jorden , Bill Paxton as Private First Class William L. Hudson , William Hope as Lieutenant Gorman , Jenette Goldstein as Private Vazquez , Al Matthews as Sergeant Apone , Mark Rolston as Private Drake , Ricco Ross as Private Frost , Colette Hiller as Corporal Ferro , Daniel Kash as Private Spunkmeyer , Cynthia Scott as Corporal Dietrich , Tip Tipping as Private Crowe and Trevor Steedman as Private Wierzbowski.

Now then as for what I thought about the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's featured / presented to us in this film is really freaking good. Which really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone since the acting in James Cameron films has always been really good and it really does help that the script for this film gives the actors alot to work with and so the actors are fully allowed to deliver the best performance that they possibly can do.  

Now this is honestly something that I didn't know but creating the creatures for this film is effects legend Stan Winston and I have to say that the creatures and as well as the overall effects that are featured / presented to us in this very film hold up really freaking well. In all honesty the creature effects look so good that it looks like that these creatures were created last year and not in 1985 which was when this film started filming however I will admit some space effects haven't really aged that well but having a bad effects that are in a film that is filled to the brim with good to possibly great effects is still a pretty good thing in my opinion anyways / at least. 

Rather shockingly it took Hollywood seven years to make a sequel to Alien which is shocking because Alien made one hundred and three million American dollars against a budget of eleven million American dollars and so it truly is shocking that it took twentieth century fox seven to make a sequel to hit a film. I'm honestly surprised that it took them this long to make a sequel to Alien since they very easily could have made the sequel two years after the release of Alien if they really wanted but the fact that they waited as long as they did to make this film to me shows that they didn't really want a sequel to Alien in the first place since if they did want an Alien sequel then they could have made it alot sooner then what they did do.

Now then boys and girls i've ben pretty freaking positive about this film so far but there was one thing that I didn't like about this film and that is the fact that this film takes a while to fully get going. Which does make sense considering the running time of this film but at the same time given that alot of the early scenes in this film are just flat out boring I really do feel that some of those scenes didn't really need to be this film and that thus that would have meant that the plot would / could even have gotten started alot quicker then what it did do. 

I honestly really did like the mother daughter relationship that was being developed between Ellen Ripley and Newt. Since to me at least Newt represents Ellen Ripley's last shred if humanity and so if Newt does die and then so does whatever humanity Ripley had left and and the same could also be said Newt and so it makes sense that the two would cling to each other because if the other dies then they loose whatever humanity that they have left it's just a shame that Newt really isn't written all that all and it's a shame that Newt really doesn't have that much to do in this film nor does Newt do that much in this film.

Now then boys and girls this film has a total running time of two hours and thirty four minuets and fifty seven seconds and so lets round that up to two hours and thirty five minuets and I honestly feel that this film while it was very entertaining it didn't need to be as long as it is. Since you very easily could have had this film come in at well under two hours but at the same time with this extra thirty five minuets we the audience are given more of a chance to connect with all of the marines and newer characters and thus we care for them for so in this case it's a case to pick your poison since you can have a shorter film but risk not caring for must of the main cast of characters or you can have a longer film and care for all of the new cast of characters the choice is really up to you / yours.

Now then while there are indeed horror elements in his film this film instead focuses more on being an action film and so that means that I do have to talk about the action that's featured / presented to us in the actual film itself and if i'm being really freaking honest here boys and girls the action that's featured / presented to us in this film is the best of part of this film. Since the action is just so freaking cool and part of what makes the action that's featured / presented to us in this very film so freaking cool is the fact that James Cameron at this point in his career was mostly known for directing action films and thus he knows how to make a cool looking action sequence which he really does do in this particular film but that's just what I think anyways and thats just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Overall this was such a good film and I cannot believe that it's taken me nearly thirty years to watch this film again since yes I first saw this film when I was very young lad growing up in the 1990's. Now then since i've talked about all of the good things that are in this very film and well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and so that means that this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got all of the images that I used in this review from well then boys and girls I personally got all of the images that I used in this very review from the official Alien fandom wiki page and from Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being the official Alien fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that pretty much all of the images that are featured / presented to us on the official Alien fandom wiki page are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition and as always horror fans we end this review as we always do which is with Elvira who is our one and true and only goddess wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams indeed. 

Sunday, 6 June 2021

In Search Of Darkness: Part II Film Review


Horror fans you've seen me review alot of horror films and yes I will be reviewing alot more horror films. However there is one type of horror film that you've never seen me review simply because I always find these types of movies very hard to talk about however I thought that i'd give this film a shot and well I just had to review it because this film is that good and so join me as I review the film that's legitimately the longest film that i've ever watched and reviewed with the film in question being called simply just "In Search Of Darkness: Part II" enjoy.

Now from what I can gather just by going on the Wikipedia page for In Search Of Darkness the first film dealt with alot of the mainstream horror films that came out in the 1980's so things like Friday The 13th and A Nightmare On Elm Street to name but a few. Well this film takes a different approach since this film mostly talks about the lesser known horror films that came out in the 1980's so things like Chopping Mall and Terror In The Aisles to name but a few and I honestly think that talking about these more lesser known 1980's horror films is such a good idea because of the fact that not alot of people or even not alot of horror fans would have heard of these films and this film can expose them to films that might peak there interest.

Now then just for the sake of my own sanity i'm not going to list every single person who is being interviewed in this film just because there's quite alot of people that are being interviewed for this film and i'd be here all day if I listed them all. As such SOME of the people that are being interviewed for this film are Doug Bradley , Robert Englund , Geretta Geretta , Jackie Kong , Chris Jericho , Linnea Quigley , Tom Savini and Cassandra Peterson.

I honestly lost count of how many people were being interviewed for this film but the final count has to be at the very least somewhere inbetween fifty to one hundred people. Just purely because there's no way in hell you could get a film that's this long just by talking to  couple of dozen people and what keep the interviews fresh and unique is that the people being interviewed not only have a genuine love and passion for the wonderful world of horror but they also know exactly what they are talking about and those that are being interviewed in this very film are very entertaining to watch as well and as such the interviews don't feel boring which for me at least is a very huge freaking plus.

For some reason this film featured interviews from at least three different Youtubers which I personally wouldn't have done. Since those Youtubers (James Rolfe , Brandon Tenold and James A. Janisse) while all three do have some god insight I feel that all three Youtubers are coming at this from a fan point of view / a fan perspective which didn't really work for me in this film since if I wanted a fans point of view on any of these films i'd go online and see what the fans are saying but at the same time all three Youtubers did have some really good insight into the films that they were talking about at that present time in the film.

I really do like that this film chose to put alot of it's focus on the more lesser known horror films that came out / were released during the 1980's just because those films don't get alot of attention. Which is a shame because alot of these lesser know 1980's horror films are really good but they won't get alot of attention because alot of people only care about Freddy or Jason or Michael or even Chucky and so it was great to see film dedicate itself to telling people about some of these lesser known 1980's horror films.

One of the thing that I personally didn't like about this film is the fact that even tho this film does showcase alot of lesser known horror films it also showcases some horror films from popular franchises. Which to me at least goes against the entire premise of this film since the entire premise of this film was to showcase alot of lesser known horror films I personally felt that showcasing horror films from popular horror franchises went against that premise but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

As someone who is a a big fan of pro wrestling what really struck me in this film is the fact that Chris Jericho really does come across as a horror fan. This is honestly something that I never even suspected to be the case and yet while I was watching this film not only was I left hanging on his every word but I was also taken aback / shocked by how deep his knowledge of the horror genre goes and that really did surprise me because I never knew nor did I have any kind of clue from what Chris Jericho would wear down to the ring or from any of his concerts that he was a pretty much a die hard fan of the horror film genre.

Now boys and girls the other thing that I personally didn't like about this film was it's running time since / because this film is a shockingly long four hours and thirty six minuets and thirty eight seconds and yeah well this film really didn't need to be that long at all. You really could have made this film in well under two and a half hours and you'd have to cut nothing that's vital to the actual idea of this very film.

Now then boys and girls despite promising that they would cover alot of lesser known 1980's horror films in this film. They still somehow managed to miss of quite a few horror films all of which aren't that well known like for example they don't mention the Sleepaway Camp film series / franchise nor do they mention Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark both of which are from me point of view at least very little known films and so they would have fit in perfectly with this film but that's just what  I think anyways and that's just in my humble and as well as being in my very honest opinion anyways.

Overall while I personally cannot say if this film is better then In Search Of Darkness simply because I haven't seen In Search Of Darkness I can say that if your a fan of lesser known 1980's horror films then this documentary film is the film for you. Now then with all of that being said i've talked about all of the good and as well as both of the bad things that are in this film in this very and so this isn't a perfect film and as such this film gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me.

As for where I got all of the images that I used in this very review well then boys and girls ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from Google Images nd nowhere and since I only went to Google Images and nowhere else for the images that I used in this very review. I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use Google Images if you want to use nay images from this film since alot of the images that I personally found from this film were fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition and so we end this review as we always do which is with Elvira our one true goddess wishing us all some very , very , very , very  unpleasant dreams indeed.

Night Of The Dead Sorority Babes Film Review

Thousands of horror films are made and released every single year and sadly this film is one of them and as is apparently the trend of horro...