Saturday 12 September 2020

Scream: The TV Series "Pilot" Review


When it comes to the Scream franchise it seems that people only seem to talk about the first two films with some people occasionally talking the third and fourth films. However it seems that no one talks about the TV series and I don't get why since it does have involvement from franchise creator Kevin Williamson and was one of the last projects that original franchise director Wes Craven worked on and so here is my review of Scream: The TV Series with the episode called "Pilot" enjoy the review everyone.

The plot of the episode is a high school student is killed in her home and her death is a catalyst for a series of events that will change a group of friends forever for better or worse. I will fully admit that this was perhaps one of the hardest summaries that i've written just because this is a mystery show and those typically don't reveal anything regarding plot and the plot of the first episode is usually pretty hard to find but the story here while it was pretty thin at times it was still an enjoyable story to see play out.

Starring in the episode is Willa Fitzgerald as Emma Duval , Bex Taylor-Klaus as Audrey Jensen and John Karna as Noah Foster. Also starring in the episode is Amadeus Serafini as Kieran Wilcox , Connor Weil as Will Belmont , Carlson Young as Brooke Maddox , Jason Wiles as Sheriff Clark Hudson , Tracy Middendorf as Maggie Duval , Brianne Tju as Riley Marra , Max Lloyd-Jones as Tyler O'Neill , Mike Vaughn as The Voice Of The Killer and Bella Thorne as Nina Patterson.

Acting wise this episode isn't that good which is sadly what I expected to be the case which is a shame because a TV series based on Scream should be super easy to write and even easier to act. However barring a few actors alot of the actors in this episode just don't do a good job in this episode and the writing let's all of the actors down since the kind of writing that you expect to find on a bad show on The CW and not something that you'd expected from an entry in the Scream franchise.

As you can tell by the name of the series this show is set in the world of the Scream franchise however you don't need to have seen any of the films of watch this episode. Since the show makes no reference to the films or even includes any of the films characters which for me is huge disappointment because you could have had the die hard fans watching this episode if for example Sidney , Gale or even Dewey appear for quick cameo near the start of the episode or even at the end of the episode.

I can see why they chose not to have any of the characters from the films appear since they most likely want this show to stand on it's own two feet which is fair enough but the makers of this show must have known that this franchise has die hard fans and those fans would have loved to have seen any of the films characters appear even if it's just for a quick cameo. Hell they don't even mention any of the films characters or it's location despite the fact that in the Scream Gale wrote a few books detailing the events of the first film which were then turned into very successful movies and so the town would have been very well known as a result and so it would have been very plausible for this show's Randy Noah to know all about Woodsboro.

As is tradition with the Scream franchise this episode and thus the series opens up with a big name star getting killed off. I'm honestly glad that they chose to keep this tradition alive just because even tho it's a very small thing to include it's something that the fans of the franchise would have missed and the fact that the major star in this season was Bella Thorne who incase you didn't know has been in some trouble recently only made it all the more sweet and kind of ironic or at least in my opinion it seems ironic anyways.

As with anything to do with the Scream franchise this episode makes fun of the fact that a slasher film couldn't be turned into a TV show. This was something that I actually liked because when the show was first being made I had these exact same questions and so it felt like the show was answering or at least asking something that I myself was asking only instead of doing it on articles about the show it was being done in a classroom.

To me something that really wasn't needed was seeing the reason as to why pretty much everyone hates Bella Throne's character Nina Patterson. To me that really wasn't needed as it adds nothing at all to the overall story as such I honestly feel that they should have kept it hidden as to why everyone hated Nina or have some people have mixed feelings about her plus it just felt like a pointless update to something that didn't really need updating.

I mentioned this before but it's a pretty big issue and so I want to bring it up again and that's the fact that the writing in this episode is really bad. The writing in at least the first two Scream films while top notch is at least bearable the same cannot be said here since the writing treats it's audience like there kids and so everything is dumbed down and the teenagers in this episode don't talk like actual teenagers they talk like what  thirty to forty year old thinks teenagers talk like which is just freaking bad in my opinion.

In a rather understandable move there aren't really that many deaths in this episode in fact there's only two or three deaths in the whole episode which for something that's forty four minuets is to be expected. I will say that the three deaths that we do get in this episode are in my opinion really well done and while there not super creative they do add stuff to the story be it kicking of the events of this season or adding to the season's overall story.

Overall this episode was honestly pretty decent it did have alot of good things going for it but sadly it had alot more things going against it. There are a ton of things that this episode gets wrong and you only get one chance to make a good first impression and while the rest of the series is at least decent from what I remember looking back on it now it's a wonder that this show even got to season 2 let alone season 3 as such this episode gets a 5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Scream fandom wiki page or Google Images. I honestly cannot say where it's better to get images from since from what I can tell the official Scream fandom wiki page doesn't have that many images when it comes to this episode and the image I got of Google Images is pretty low quality as such i'll just say use whichever website you want and as always we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.




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