Friday 11 October 2024

Mr. Crocket Film Review

The halloween season is in full swing and that means that really every single streaming service imaginable are releasing horror movies left , right and centre. With Hulu now releasing the first installment in what there dubbing Huluween with this film actually really being based off of a short film from another Hulu TV series and so then join me as I review the film that is basically is more creepy version of Mister Rogers Neighbourhood with the film in question being called simply just "Mr. Crocket" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when her son is kidnapped by a deranged kids TV host his mother has to find a way to get her son back before it's all far to late. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really bad as to put it bluntly the plot of this film is at best really weak with it being really quite hard to tell what the actual plot of the film is alot of the time as the film drops the main plot at several points very early on in the film which does have the add on effect of making this film feel more like an anthology film like we're just watching this kids TV host go around from kid to kid killing off their parents in gruesome ways all of which makes it appear as if the plot was secondary as it doesn't get alot of focus very early on in the film but when the film does get focused on later on in the film it can be a very good plot but bu that point it's far to little far two late as the plot of the film should have been focused on all throughout the film not just when the film wants to focus on it's main plot with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Elvis Nolasco as Mr. Crocket and Grey's Anatomy star Jerrika Hinton as Summer. Also starring in this film is  Ayden Gavin as Major , Lyla Randall as Kelli , Akim Black as Kevin , Jermaine Rivers as Jerrel , Gina Jarrin as The Guidance Counselor , Melanie Christine Leon-Soon as 70's Crocket Kid , Riley Vinson as Carey , Matthew LB McCollum as Young Anthony and Jabari Striblin as Darren.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. As it's quite clear as day that all of this films actor are in deed really trying there best to turn in a really good performance the only issue is that this films co-writer and director Brandon Espy isn't that good of a director with it coming across as hm not really knowing how to direct his actors and as a result of that is the fact that while this films actors are really cast alot pf them just feel lost and unsure of what kind of performance to give with the same thing also being true for this film main star Elvis Nolasco as Mr. Crocket who instead of portraying the character as an actual kids TV presenter and be over the top and wacky in his performance he instead tries to do that but also tries to play it straight and it just doesn't work with this films acting not really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so bad as it gives none of this films cast absolutely nothing to work interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place which is something that really does help to effect the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film.

For once it is actually hard for me to list who did the CGI effects for this film as there no effects companies listed anywhere online. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual CGI that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad as the film foes gave vert little CGI init with the film instead using old school practical effects and those practical effects do look alot better then thee films CGI which despite looking really good in there own right won't ever come close to matching not only this films use of practical effects but rather practical effects as a whole as nothing will ever be able to top doing things for real in the day of filming as those kinds of effects will always look better then CGI effects as CGI is always getting updated and there for the effects in hi film despite them looking not that bad for this films really small budget will look dated a year or two later with this films mainly using CGI for the scenes that you possibly couldn't do for real and that is a great way to use CGI as computer effects should always be used to create things that you can't do practically and not to fix an issue that the makers of any film couldn't be bothered to do practically as that is just a lazy way to use CGI and that is something that is thankfully nowhere to be seen in this film.

This move is actually a remake of the short film of the same name by the same writer and director that debuted as part of the third season of the Hulu anthology horror series Bite Size Horror. Really there should have been no need to remake this short film if your not going to expand upon the concept and the idea of the short film and yet even tho i've personally not even seen the original short film for some strange reason this film somehow feels like that it has less content init and feels like that it doesn't really explore the idea as much as the short film most likely did when it really should have been the other way but on other hand Hulu does have to get some credit for seeing that they have an entire series worth of films all waiting to got and picking the one where the odea is indeed strong enough and weird enough to make such an idea work as this film does make you wonder what other films with some strange ideas could be made as a horror film as if there's one genre where you can get away with having weird ideas in it and somehow make it work it's horror but at the same time tho this film really doesn't make me want to check out the original short film which is a shame as the idea itself is a really good idea that really could have made a really good film if it was given a really good writer and director to help to pull that idea off and make it really better then what it really was in the short film.

One of the very few things that this film does indeed get right it's the fact that it's main villain Mr. Crocket is a really enjoyable and campy villain. With him at times being very over the top and campy much like a kids TV show presenter would be and that is something that really does work well for his character but at the same time tho he doesn't go as over the top and as campy as he really should have been and while the character is decently written he gets the gold star treatment when compared to the rest of this films characters as all of them including the ones that are meant to be the films hero characters just come across as being very one note and very one dimensional characters with them being nothing added to there characters to make them seem all the more interesting and different like the fact that the one of the characters actually has a connection with Mr. Crocket but the film does nothing with that aspect of the character with it being dropped just as quickly as it's brought up and that's the only interesting thing about that character and Summer is just so bland that at times us the audience could very easily forget that she's meant to be the main character of the film as there's nothing about her character that expresses what it is that her personality us even meant to be in the first place with her only personality trait being that of a mother that's really it and that's not enough to make an interesting or even a well written character and heck the films villain is more interesting and more likable because of that fact then the that we the audience are actually meant to be cheering for as that's just how badly the films hero characters even are in the first place.

In what was a really bad move the makers of this film actually make Mr. Crocket more likable then then films main hero characters are. As all Mr. Crocket is trying to do is take kids away from dangerous situations in their home lives and yet we the audience are meant to hate him when he's actually killing of the characters that are actually causing these kids harm in some way shape or form and yet the characters that we are meant to like are the ones that we end up hating because of the fact that they not only put there kids in these dangerous situations in the first place but also keep them by refusing to help them out when they need it and yet for some strange reason we're meant to be like the kids parents but hate Mr. Crocket when the film doesn't give us a reason to really like the kids parents and to hate the films main villain which is just as an example of just how bad the films script is as while yes people whom love horror do infact nine times out of ten like the villain more then the main characters the main hero characters in any horror film are still well liked by the people who watch alot of horror films as well where as here really none of the films main hero characters are given anything likable about them and yet we're meant to be cheering for them and yet we're not given a reason to like them and as a result of that is the fact that we the audience find ourselfs routing for the killer because of the fact that he's actually trying to do some good by helping little kids out something that the kids parents really could have done if they actually took the time to actually be a parent to their kid.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and twenty seven minuets and fifty five seconds. Which is a perfectly solid running tome for this film to have as if the film did focus on it's plot then it would have had more then enough there interms of plot to really cover that large amount of running time but at the same time tho due to the fact that the film really doesn't spend alot of time focusing on it's plot that plot really does come off as being more thin and not really needing that amount of running time as the perfect amount of running time for this films plot would have have been around forty five minuets but if the film did have more of a focus on it's and actually expanded upon it's central idea then it we would have made more then enough plot there to really cover that large amount of running times the films plot is one that one that could work when it's expended upon and that included delving more into the characters and into the world of this film as well and to actually making the films main hero character actually more likable with the best is that there could really be no amount of filler that could go into this film as anything that could add could bee served to either build up tension to the next kill or to advance the plot of the film but here despite having the longer running time doesn't do any of that whatsoever but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is a horror film that really does means that I have to actually talk about the actual kills that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought /felt that the actual kills that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty one of the best things about this film. As this films kills are wildly inventive and while some of them are over the op gory which does make them all the more fun to watch not all of them are and those kills are still fun and inventive with all of this films kills really leaning into the whole kids TV show aspect of the Mr. Crocket character which is something that by it's fair nature does really lend itself to some very creative and to some very over the top kills and that's exactly what we get in this film as well with all of the kills in this film being really fun to watch and while yes we don't get alot of kills in this film and even fewer of those are shown on screen then ones that we do get to see do make this film worth seeing and while the kills in this film won't be a good as those seen in the Terrifier films they are still some really good kills in it's own right and while yes it would have been nice if we did get to see more of the kills in this film the ones that we do see add to the overall experience and fit the films films villain perfectly then lot of kills in alot of other horror movies out there in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall while this isn't a bad horror film it's not necessarily a good one either as while the film is indeed a really good film that has alot of potential to be a good film in it it just can't reach its fullest potential and because of that fact the film does crumble under it's own weight in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now the i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 5.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from Tenor , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images really simply because Google Images actually really has images from this film really are up and on Google Images and really plus pretty much all of the images that I personally found on Google Images really were all really very fairly high quality and as well as being as really very fairly high definition as well and so then horror fans we really do end this review as we really always do with really our one and really true goddess Elvira wishing us all some really very unpleasant dreams.

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Mr. Crocket Film Review

The halloween season is in full swing and that means that really every single streaming service imaginable are releasing horror movies left ...