Thursday, 6 March 2025

Night Of The Dead Sorority Babes Film Review

Thousands of horror films are made and released every single year and sadly this film is one of them and as is apparently the trend of horror films this year it's not that good. With this film being one that not alot of you would have known and heck until a few short days ago I myself didn't even know about this movie and now watching I wish I still didn't know about this movie and so then join me as I review the film that lets you know right away just from it's title just how really bad that this movie is really going to be with the film in question being called simply just "Night Of The Dead Sorority Babes" enjoy.

The plot of this film is several college girl all find themselves wanting to join a sorority house only to discover that the house has a dark and sinister secret. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really bad with this films plot being laughably bad and just really dumb but not dumb in the same way that the Fast & Furious movies are dumb movies as nothing regarding this films plot not only doesn't work but it also doesn't make a whole lot of sense either with all of these girls all of which do seemingly go to the same college and yet when there at the sorority that there meant to be trying to join not only is there know college building in sight whatsoever but there the only girl that show up neither of which raises a red flag for any of these characters which would be fine if this was a comedy as then you could say that it's meant to be making fun of horror movies but it's not as it plays everything straight and that is something that does make this films feel all the more worse then that it actually is as now it just makes the writers of this film seem lazy as they know there not writing a good movie but can't be bothered to fix it with the plot of this film not really being really rather entertaining and as well not rally being really rather engaging either in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Starring in this film is Jessa Flux as Veronica Harper , Lynn Lowry as Kimberly Blake and this film co-director Angel Nichole Bradford as Blair Layne. Also starring in this film is Kelsey Livengood as Lucy Livengood , Anna Clary as Megan Anderson , Mel Heflin as Bambi Hamilton , Ashleigh Amberlynn as Victoria Vanderwall , Mia Katz as Roxie Spark , Samantha Hupp as Tiffany Hudson , Miranda Kilpatrick as Lilly , Ashley Hefner as Lex , Trisha Nicole Bagby as Sarah and Ann Myrna as Angelica Grace.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty i in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty just as bad as you'd think that it would be. Which is something that does make sense for this film as all of this films actors aren't that well known actors in the first place and as such it would have been foolish to expect good or even great acting from tis films actors but when you don't even give us passable acting then you can tell right away that the film is in trouble as it's clear as day that this films co-directors Angel Nichole Bradford and Steve Hermann really do have no idea how to direct there actors with all of the actors in this film feeling lost and unsure of what performance to give something that makes this even more worse is the fact that Steve Hermann also wrote the script for the film so you'd think that he'd know the characters better then most and tell his actors what kind of performance to give but it's clear as day that the co-directors and the actors just didn't talk to each the at all with the acting that's in this film not really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so bad as it gives none of this films actors absolutely nothing to work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place which is something that really does hurt the over all quality of the acting that's in this very film.

In what is an understandable move this film doesn't really have that high of a production value as the film was crowd funded through IndieGoGo. So this film was never going to have that high of a production value to it anyway as it does look like that they only raised just enough money to cover the makeup effects budget and not enough to cover anything else as alot of this films actors are actually pulling double duty with alot of them doing work behind the camera as well as in front of it which is a great way to save money and to this films credit it's the behind the camera stuff that looks better then what was put n infront of the camera as the special effects make up doesn't look that bad for what is a really small independent horror film and given this films incredibly small budget the cinematography doesn't look half bad but even with all o that in mind the makers of this film could have done alot of work to make sure that the film did have a higher production value then what it actually had as that is something that would make the film look so much more better then what it does as right now the film looks like every single low budget independent horror film ever made when adding to the films production value would only serve to make the film stand out as everything about this film does look cheap which again is something that's understandable given just hoe this film was funded in the first place but this is film that should have looked alot more better as the people infront of the camera are quite clearly far more talent behind th camera then they are infront of it.

Much like Saw this film is based off of a short film with the short film being called Sorority Babes but unlike Saw which either added or replaced actors from the short film. This film actually kept not only alot of the crew but also alot of the actors as well with alot of the actors even playing the same characters that they played in the short film but unlike Saw where the makers actually took the chance to improve upon what they had started in the short film here it seems like that the makers of this film just doubled down on what they did in the short film and didn't bother to expand upon or fix any issues that they had with the short film which only serves to make the makers of this film even more lazier then what they already are as now they've had the chance to fix any issues with the short film and make them better for the feature film adaptation and yet they openly chose not to when instead what they should have been doing is taking the time to fix any issues that the first film had instead of just doing nothing and assuming that the short film is perfect as just based off of this film that's not going to be the case whatsoever as no film short film or not is without fault as alot film makers know as alot of then do take the chance to fix things that made the original work not as good as they wanted it to be like for example with the second Blood And Honey film where the makers of that film took on board all of the criticism that the fans gave them in the first film and showed that they learned there lesson by applying them to the second film something that the makers of this film quite clearly didn't do or just straight up didn't want to do.

To say that this film main characters are bad characters would be like saying that Scooby-Doo is a dog as yeah this films character are just that bad. With the film not even bothering to give any of the main girls any sort of personality outside of the one trait that they display when there being interrogated by Roxy at the start of the movie and that's really it and while that might be enough for a short film it's damned near not enough for a feature length film as all of the main characters just have the same personalities with one of them being the dumb one of the group and we also have the smart one , the tough one , the b*tch and the h*rny one and none of them ever stray from that one personality trait every and heck we even have the very rarely seen personality type of the quite or shy one of the group with the makers of this film not even bothering to go into who these characters are as people something that they couldn't really do in the short film as there they had only a short amount of time to tell a story and get some kills in so it's forgivable in that format they didn't give the characters much in the way of personalities but now that it's a in a feature length film then the makers of this film really should have taken the time to fully flesh out if not all then at least some of it's main characters as then it would make the characters seem more like fully formed and thought out characters instead of being the one dimensional cardboard cut out characters that they actually are and yet because of the fact that this films writers are just lazy writers we end up with a bunch of characters that are going to be forgotten about in ten minuets in a film that's going to forgotten about in fifteen minuets.

For some strange reason the makers of this film thought it was a good idea to have some sort of mystery angel in it. Only they forgot to do one silly little thing and that's create and actually good mystery as the film tries to have a mystery going about how hurt this one girl at the start of the movie and yet when these two elder ladies come on screen it's painfully obvious that it's them as they just look evil and the film really doesn't do anything to try and hide that fact by giving us red herrings or even try to throw us the sent something which with the amount of characters that they have in the film is something that really could have done and while the film does get some credit for at least trying to do something different with the slasher genre by adding the supernatural in it the film does nothing with either the mystery angel that it's trying to do or the supernatural element that helps to make it stand out from all pf the other slasher films out there all of which combine to make both of those aspects of the film feel rather undercooked when instead those are the elements that should have gotten alot more focus and attention as they do help the film come at least somewhat more interesting then what it actually is and while yes granted there have been other slasher films that have had a supernatural element to them but there's not enough of them and so for us the audience it can still be considered and it's something that this film had the chance to do right and it's the same thing with the films mystery aspect as well as the film just straight up drops t an never mentions it again after it's pretty poorly done cold open and then expects you to remember who that character is at the end of the film.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty minuets and one second. Which is pretty much the exact bogstanderd running time for all of these low budget slasher films with this film not really even having enough plot there to really cover that amount of running time either as being realistic here this film really only has enough plot there for about forty five minuets if that with this films plot being stretched thin by pointless scenes with the main characters where all they do is just get across there one character trait from the start movie and nothing really more then that thus goes without saying but this film really doesn't even use it's expanded running time all that wisely either as it doesn't give the main hero characters any kind of development or anything that makes them interesting or even likable for that matter where as the main villains of the film get one scene where they get across there backstory and why there doing what there doing and that's really it as even they aren't given anything in regards to a personality compare this to something like A Nightmare On Elm Street another supernatural themed slasher film with a strikingly similar running time and yet the makers of that film still managed to give there main villain Freddy Krueger tons of personality and yet the makers of this film couldn't even do that for that villains in this film which is something that really does make the makers of this film seem lazy but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is a slasher film that really does mean that I have to actually talk about the actual kills that are actually featured / presented to us in this very fil well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual kills that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty the best aspect of the film. As it's clear as day that this is were alot of the effort went when it came to making this film as this films kills whilst there not the most creative of kills as alot of the tike it does boil to someone being stabbed with a kitchen knife when the film does lean into it's supernatural aspect in it's kills that's when they get to be the most fun and creative to see in this film as we get see these to elder women do some damage to our main heroes in really creative ways but here's the thing tho because of the fact that the makers of this film haven't given us the audience a reason to care about it's main characters even surviving the film then how we are meant to feel anything when they get killed of a in a really brutal as if you want us the audience to actually feel something literally anything for these characters then you have to make us care for them and make us want to see them survive and make us want to see more of them and yet they and while the best kill of the film is quite easily the one where the shall we say bigger of the girls gest killed with the elder women take a picture of her and just move there fingers across the picture thus creating a scar on the head in the same way that it was done in the photograph which is a to be frank a really creative kill and is quite easily the best kill in this whole entire movie as it's just that creative of a kill in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall if you have the chance to see this film do NOT take it as there's nothing of value to be gained from watching this film as it's just that bad and while the makers of this film do indeed get credit for at the very least having the courage to go out there and make an actual movie they still needed to have made a movie that's actually good and not something that is actually worse then Mouse Of Horrors was in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 2.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official Twisted Childhood Universe fandom wiki page , Tenor , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images simply because Google Images actually has images from this film really are up and on Google Images and plus pretty much much all of the images that I personally found on Google Images were all really very fairly high quality and as well as being as really very fairly high definition as well and so then horror fans we end this review as we always do with really our one and true goddess Elvira wishing us all some really very unpleasant dreams.

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Night Of The Dead Sorority Babes Film Review

Thousands of horror films are made and released every single year and sadly this film is one of them and as is apparently the trend of horro...