Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Curse Of Chucky Film Review


Well then horror fans I told you that i'd be taking a look at a bunch of Child's Play /  Chucky movies and well I meant it. So today and if things go according to plan tomorrow i'll be reviewing both of the direct to DVD Child's Play / Chucky sequels just because I haven't seen those movies since they came out and I want to see if the films are better then what I remember them being and so since this film came out first join my as I review the 2013 film "Curse Of Chucky" enjoy the review everyone since we all know this film is going to be better then Seed Of Chucky.

The plot of the film is Chucky is out for revenge this time on someone who wronged him when he was alive and known as Charles Lee Ray and it's up to Nica Pierce to stop him before he kills her entire family. In all honesty after the terrible story that we had in Seed Of Chucky the plot for this movie isn't that bad infact it's oddly refreshing and the plot in my opinion is really well told both of which help make the film more enjoyable in my opinion.

Starring in the film is Fiona Dourif as Nica Pierce and franchise star and the father of Fiona Dourif Brad Dourif as Charles Lee Ray and The Voice Of Chucky. Also starring in the film is Danielle Bisutti as Barb Pierce , Brennan Elliott as Ian , Maitland McConnell as Jill , Chantal Quesnel as Sarah Pierce , Summer H. Howell as Alice Pierce , A (Single) Martinez as Father Frank and Adam Hurtig as Officer Stanton.

Now you might have noticed that there are a few returning actors that i've not credited and that's because when this film first came out it was a surprise to see those actors again and so I want to keep there return a surprise just incase there are people who haven't seen this film but are Chucky fans. As for what I thought about the acting in this film it was a lot better then the acting in Seed Of Chucky i'll give this film that but that's not a high bar to reach and it goes with out saying but Brad Dourif really does kill it as the voice of Chucky in this film as does his daughter Fiona Dourif who as mentioned before is playing Nica Pierce.

Now this is something that I honestly wasn't expecting but there are references in this film to I think all of the other Child's Play / Chucky movies. Since on a computer when Nica is looking up stuff on Chucky we see LA , Hackensack New Jersey and Chicago and the army school from Child's Play 3 all listed as locations for where Chucky has killed and I think when Chucky is talking about all of the families that he's visited he mentions the family from Child's Play 2 but I could be wrong tho.

Either way I liked that they found away to mention all of the films in the franchise without having to do the standard recap of the storyline of the films that all slasher films seems to do. The way that they did it here felt more organic since there would be newspaper reports on the murders that we've seen in these films and while it doesn't make sense for Chucky to start talking about the families that he's visited it's really the only way that they could have referenced Child's Play 2 without people getting confused as to why a Toy Factory blowing up is front page news.

Just kind of keeping with what I just said I like the fact that they are keeping Seed Of Chucky canon just because even tho it's a bad film it is still a film in the Child's Play / Chucky franchise and the fans of the franchise might be angry if they chose to ignore Seed Of Chucky and instead chose to make this film a direct sequel to either Child's Play 3 or Bride Of Chucky. It's due to this that makes think that Child's Play creator and writer of all the films and director of Seed Of Chucky , Curse Of Chucky (this film) and Cult Of Chucky Don Mancini respects his audience because he knows that the fans will pick up on anything to do with either continuity or the timeline of the Child's Play / Chucky film franchise but that's just what I think.

Let's get onto some negative aspects of the film because trust me the film does have some bad things going for it. The first of which being they try to make this like the first film which doesn't really work when you take into account the film's title or the fact that they credit Brad Dourif as The Voice Of Chucky in the opening credits and so the audience is already going to know who the killer is and that Nica isn't going insane which means all suspense on that plot line is now lost because we know how it's going to play out.

I'm not going to lie I liked the character of Nica who as mention before is played by Brad Dourif's real life daughter Fiona Dourif. Nica to me is more proactive hero in that from pretty much the first murder she's on to Chucky and is doing everything she can to prove that Chucky is the killer which to me makes the film alot more fun just because your seeing this character who already knows who the killer is trying to persuade her other family members that she's telling the truth.

However the downside to all of that is even when the evidence all points to Chucky being the killer Nica's family acts dumb. The worst offender for this is the character of Barb (as played by Danielle Bisutti) who right after finding a knife on Chucky sits Chucky down somewhere in the attic and leaves the knife right next to him while she carries on looking for her daughter the very fact that she left the killers weapon of choice right next to killer is just so freaking dumb.

This film has a running time of one hour and thirty four minuets which to me is a little bit to long but that's just what I think. I say this because even tho there's more then enough plot to cover that running time alot of the time there's nothing interesting happening and so I did get bored alot of the time which no matter what the film is or what genre the film is having your audience get bored during your film is something that you never want to happen.

Now then since this is a slasher film that does mean that I have to talk about the kills in the film and while we do get to see alot more kills in this film. There are a few kills in this film which look cool but they happen off screen which is a shame because they could have made for some really cool kills but the kills that we do get to see are honestly pretty creative and in some cases are honestly pretty freaking funny with the chief example of that being the death of the babysitter which just had me laughing just due to how easy that kill is for Chucky.

Overall this film is so much better then Seed Of Chucky and is honestly the shot in the arm that the franchise needed. That being said the film does have alot of issues some of which hurt the film quite alot but where as with Seed Of Chucky where the negative aspects of the film outweighed the positive here the positive aspects outweigh the negative aspects of the film and so this film gets a 5 out of 10 from me.

All of the images that I used in this review were gathered from either the official Child's Play fandom wiki page or Google Images. Since I got alot of the images from Google Images I have no choice but to recommend that you guys use Google Images if you want high quality and in some cases high definition images and so we end this review as we always do with our true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.



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