Monday, 5 April 2021

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974 Film Review

Horror fans I own quite a few eighties and I think I might possibly own some nineties horror movies but there's only one seventies horror movie that I actually own and what's shocking is when I first bought this film I think nearly twenty years ago I had no idea how iconic the film that I currently own was and hell I even forgot that I owned the film for at least fifteen or so years. As such I thought that it was only right that I dig this this film out of the box that it was in and review it and so here is my review of the 1974 slasher horror film classic with the film it self being called simply "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" enjoy.

The plot of this film is Sally Hardesty her brother Franklin Hardesty and there friends Kirk , Jerry and Pam go and visit Sally and Franklin's old family homestead and while there they run into a group of people that will force the group into a fight for their very lives. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this film in all honesty the plot of this film is really freaking good in my opinion since even tho the plot of this film is very simple it's also very easy to follow which is always a good thing no matter type of film your making but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble as well as in my very honest opinions anyways.

Starring in this film is Marilyn Burns as Sally Hardesty , Paul A. Partain as Franklin Hardesty and William Vail as Kirk. Also starring in this film is Allen Danziger as Jerry , Teri McMinn as Pam , the late and always great in everything that he's in the horror icon that is Gunnar Hansen as Leatherface , Edwin Neal as The Hitchhike , Jim Siedow as The Cook ,John Dugan as Grandpa Sawyer and in his debut film appearance we have the great John Larroquette as This Films Narrator.

In terms of what I thought about the acting that's presented to us in this film in all honesty the acting that's presented to us in this film is really freaking good and I say that the acting that's presented to us in this film is really freaking good simply because this film was a low budget film and nobody / no one expects great acting from a low budget film. As such it's wonder that the acting is as good as it is because alot of these actors yes including John Larroquette were unknowns when this film was both being made and was being released and yet all of the actors in this film turned in some really great performances in my humble and as well in my very honest opinion anyways.

Now I have to talk a second to talk about the character of Sally Hardesty simply because I feel that how the character of Sally Hardesty is treated in this film is very freaking interesting in my humble and very honest opinion. Since she's treated like she's a normal girl and as such we don't get to find out that much about her which would be a bad thing for a lot of films but since this film presents itself and it's story and it's characters as being kind of in a found footage type film not being able to find that much about Sally Hardesty oddly makes alot of sense and it makes her seem alot more and a lot more like a real girl instead of a fictional character written by some hollywood writers but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble as well as in my very honest opinions anyways.

Now then boys and girls the DVD that I personally have of this film was released back in I believe it was 2006 but I could be wrong so don't hold me to that and well everything from the DVD cover to the freaking menu just screamed boring to me. Since both the DVD cover and the DVD main menu were so boring and so uninspired that it made the whole thing look cheap and on top of that I noticed that were was some possible scaling issues since the bottom half of some of the actors names on the lower half of the films official cast list gets cut of as such I think that however was in charge of importing this film onto DVD simply used a VHS print of the movie and didn't bother to make sure that what they were putting out was a good or even passable product heck the quality of the image isn't even that good either which to me seems like the maker of this pacific DVD just wanted to make some money as fast and as cheaply as possible and so they didn't put any effort into making sure that what they were putting out was actually good but that's just what I think anyways.

Now then boys and girls The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film franchise has become exactly like the Halloween fil franchise. In that both franchises have multiple different timelines and remakes and soon they'll both have sequels that features characters from there respective franchises first films / movies however unlike the Halloween film franchise where there actually is this little thing called continuity there is very little to no continuity in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film franchise as such anyone who wants to get into this franchise can start from any film in the franchise which I honestly like just because it would be to overwhelming having to watch several other films in order to understand the one film that you actually want to watch but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as in my very honest opinions anyways.

What this film gets right about the character of Leatherface is the one thing that alot of entries in The Texas chain Massacre film franchise gets wrong and that's the fact that Leatherface works better as a character when he's surrounded by his family. I don't know why alot of the films in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film franchise choose to have Leatherface be the main star of the film because as a character he doesn't work that well on his own but if you give him his family and have the family act more of an ensemble then the character of Leatherface works really well but that's just what I think anyways and that's just in my very humble and as well as my honest opinions anyways.

Now then boys and girls i've been very positive on this film thus far but there are some things in the film that I personally didn't like about the actual film itself. The first of which being the fact that the title of the film is a lie because there's no massacre and only one of the kills actually happens with a chainsaw and the second thing that I didn't like about this film is the fact that even tho Franklin is built up to be the hero of this film the film doesn't do a good job or even a half decent job of building Sally as the main hero of the film and so as such when Franklin is killed and we find out that Sally is this films final girl it doesn't feel as earned as it perhaps should have been but that's in my very humble and as well as in my very honest opinions anyways.

Now then boys and girls I don't recall the exact running time for this film but I do know that this film is at least one hour and twenty minuets long. Which in my very humble and as well as in my very honest opinions seems like the right amount of time for this film simply because there's not alot there in terms of story and as such even getting the film up to one hour and twenty five minuets or even one hour and thirty minuets would be stretching an already thin story even thinner and it would make the issues that I personally have with the film seem even bigger then what they already are but that's just in my humble and very honest opinion anyways.

Now then boys and girls since the The Texas Chain Saw Massacre film franchise is a slasher film franchise that means that there are some kills to be found in this very film and that means that I have to talk about the actual kills that are to be found in this very film and if i'm being honest the kills in this film are honestly really good. I say that the kills in this film are really good simply because even tho this film didn't have a huge budget the kills still look good and what I personally found to be well and truly shocking is the fact that there is not only very few kills (I think there's only four kills in this entire film) but that's just what I think about the kills that are presented to us in this film anyways and that's just in my personal opinion anyways.

Overall while I can see why people really love this film for me personally this film isn't that good which is a shame because when this film gets something right it really does get that something right in my humble and very honest opinion anyways. Now then boys and girls since i've talked about both of the good things that are in this film and both of the bad things that are presented to us in this film in this very review this film gets a 7 out of 10 from me , as for where I got the images that I used in this review well I got all of the images that I used in this very review from either Google Images or the official The Texas Chain Saw Massacre fandom wiki page with my preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images simply because there was a wide variety of images from this film to choose from which simply wasn't the case with the official The Texas Chain Saw Massacre fandom wiki page and as always horror fans we end this review as we always do with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

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