Thursday, 16 January 2025

Wolf Man 2025 Film SPOILER FREE Film Review

It seems that right now the only thing that mainstream Hollywood seems to know how to do is make remakes. As have yet another remake of a classic horror movie and while this one does have some pedigree behind it it doesn't change the fact that alot of horror remakes just don't work and so then join me as I give you my SPOILER FREE of the film that sees Leigh Whannell try resurrect another Universal monster with the film in question bring called simply just "Wolf Man" enjoy.

The plot of this film is when he inherits his old childhood house from his estranged father Blake Lovell moves his entire family from San Francisco to Oregon and while there Blake gets bitten by something that will changes his life and the lives of his wife and daughter forever. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us un this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad as it does give us something new from this character instead of just straight up redoing the original films plot this film instead does something new and different by having it be a family man that gets bitten and struggle to contain the wolf within him which is a good and to the films credit it is something that whilst it was most likely done in the original film it is also something that works for this film as he's not only just trying to protect himself but he's also trying to protect his entire family which is something that does add a layer of tension to the films plot as we all know that eventually he's going and while the film might have a few predictable plot beats in it those don't really stop the plot of the film from being an enjoyable plot with the plot of this film also being really rather entertaining and as well as being really rather engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Try as I might but there is no complete cast list for this film anywhere online as such starring in this film is Christopher Abbott as Blake Lovell / The Wolf Man , Julia Garner as Charlotte Lovell , Matilda Firth as Ginger Lovell , Sam Jaeger as Grady Lovell and Zac Chandler as Young Blake Lovell. Even tho those are the only actors whose roles are listed the film does have a fairly solid in it's own right and while at the very least one of them won't be a house hold name he is something that you'll recognize from a childhood TV show with the actor being Milo Cawthorne who of course played Ziggy Grover on Power Rangers RPM and yet even with having a fairly small amount of actors in this film the film does make the absolute best use of them as alot of them do have alot to do in the film and to be a fair a property like this one is one that works best with a smaller amount of characters as it means that the film can be more personal and that when the film does have a really emotional moment with the characters then it really does mean something as these are the characters that we are forced to spend alot of time and not be darting round to several other characters but at the same time tho this is also a property that works well with larger cast members as well as it would mean getting to see how the character of The Wolf Man effects not only his loved ones like his family for example but also his friends and others that are close to him an that's something that this film really can't do with the small amount of the cast that it has starring in this very film.

Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad. As this film does have some really good acting in it but at the same time tho given who is is not only writing this film but also directing it the acting that's in this film also isn't as good as it really could have been either as we know from The Invisible Man remake that this films co-writer and director Leigh Whannell really really does know how to get a good performance out of his actors and yet that's a skill that he seems to have lost in this film as while yes we do get some really good performances in this film that's more due to the fact that the actors that are cast in this film are a bunch of really good actors in there own right and not due to the fact that Leigh Whannell is giving them good direction with alot of this films actors just feeling either lost or incredibly miscast with the best actor in this film being young Matilda Firth as Ginger Lovell being the true standout performer in this film and is one that should she continue to want to act will definitely have a bright future ahead of her as she's just that good in this film with the acting that's in this very film not really being helped by the fact that this films script is just so bad as it gives none of this films actors absolutely nothing to work with interms of what it is that there respective personalities are even meant to be in the first place which is something that really does lower the overall quality of the acting that's in this very film. 

When the makers of this film were promoting this film they very wisely chose not to reveal what the creature looks like. Which given how the creature does look works to this films advantage as to say that this films design for the character would look bad would be a huge understatement and whereas the makers of Nosferatu not revealing what Count Orlok looked like worked because the design that they had was meant to be a surprise here it was done due to the fact that the design for the character leaked online and fans hated it which is something that makes it all the more weirder when in the teaser trailer or the film and indeed all of the films trailers you don't get a good look at the creature only seeing bits of him but never getting a full reveal which would be OK if they were going to listen to the fans and change what he looked like digitally but as fay as I can tell they just stuck to the same design ad without giving much away about this creature looks like it is a design that whilst it might works for the more realistic tone that this film is quite clearly going for but at the same time it also lacks that special something that made the original design not only a great looking design but also one that is so iconic that it is still used and referenced to this very day and that's just not something that will happen with this design for the character as here the creature just looks bland and boring with there being nothing interesting about the design that makes him stick out from all of the other half human half wolf monsters out there.

This film is of course a very loose remake of the 1941 film The Wolf Man with this film pretty much only being The Wolf Man in name only. As part from the fact that someone gets bitten by a wolf and who then gets forcibly transformed into a wolf the two films have very little in common with each other and heck they don't even take place in the same country and while I personally haven't seen the original film I have see clips off of it on Youtube and it does look like a much more better film then this film and that is something that's to be expected as the original are nearly always better then the originals which makes you wonder why Universal decided to remake this film out of the fact that The Invisible Man remake made them a tone of money and that's really it and while I do give the makers of this film for at the very least trying something new with this property just because it's new doesn't mean that it's better as sometimes sticking to what works for a property is the best way to go about it and that's something that this film just doesn't do as it's more focused on giving us new things which yes is a good thing as it shows that creativity isn't dead but at the same time given that this is remake the people that are going to be watching this film are going to be expecting it to be somewhat like the original film and not so different that you might ass well as call it something different and infact calling it something different might actually end up helping the film out in the longer run as then you won't get people comparing it badly to the original film.

To put things rather bluntly this film is just bland as there's not really all that much to this film in anyway shape or from. With the films characters being uninspired with the wife being the stereotypical workaholic who barely has time for kid and the daughter and father are just cardboard cutout of better written characters and this is something that really is a huge issue and it's where having a small amount of characters really does come into effect in a negative light as this films characters are just so flat ad uninspired that your left begging for any somewhat interesting character to come along and when they don't that's when you realise that we're going to be spending alot of the film with these dull characters and if your going to make us the audience do that then your characters need to have something really anything about them that makes them interesting and that makes us want to see more of them but the makers of this film forgot to do that and as a result of that is the fact that we are now left characters that we just don't care about as the film doesn't give us a reason to care about them one way or the other and this is something that alot of remakes be they for horror films or not tend to do as they just expect the audience to rely on there knowledge of the original film to make the characters in the remake interesting which is just lazy screenwriting as it shows that the makers of this film aren't that bothered with creating good or even interesting characters as all they are instead in is cashing in on a paycheck and that's really it.

One of the things that this film gets sort of right is the relationship between Blake and Ginger as it's there relationship that really does hold the film together. As you really do need to buy them as a loving father and daughter and we see that all throughout the film the two of them really do care for each other and it's their relationship that really does get tested the most when Blake is bitten and starts to turn into a werewolf and yet at the same time due to how little we are the audience care for these characters because of the fact that this film really doesn't really give us a reason to care for any of it's characters outside of the fact that there a family and that's really it and when your whole film centers on the relationship between a father and his daughter then a great deal more effort should have been made into making sure that we actually care about them as characters as that would make the film a whole lot more better and it would make the characters more likable as well but as things stand while the relationship is done well and is built up rather well as well it's something that does feel like an undercooked idea and that if it was given more then enough time to fully develop then it is something that also could have been a really great idea as well and it's something that could have been used to mirror what Blake's relationship was like with his father but outside of one scene near the beginning and one near the end of the film the film does nothing that's all that interesting with the father and daughter relationship.

Now then this film has / had an exact grand total running time of exactly one hour and thirty one minuets and fifteen seconds. Which is a bit of a short running time for this film to have but at the same time tho this film really doesn't have all that much there interms of plot to cover a longer running time in the first place and as such it really does make sense that this film would have a shorter running time but at the same time tho if this film was a tad bit longer then it would allow to fix alot the issues that are in this film as it would mean that the characters would get more of a chance to showcase what it is that there personalities are even meant to be in the first place and it would mean that the relationship between Blake and Ginger could be more developed but at the same time tho is that it would also mean getting alot of scenes where nothing happens to advance the actual plot of the film as for some strange reason this film wants to make sure that the werewolf is kept hidden until the third act and it wants to make sure that Blake doesn't fully turn for along time which is great for a few minuets but it does also slow the pacing down to a crawl at certain points in the film as all your left ding is watching these characters that you don't really like just sit and wait for something to happen and that's it and that is something that does really quite get boring really quickly but the film really does pick up the pace again when Blake does turn but I really will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is a horror film that really does mean that I have to actually talk about the actual scares that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual scares that are actually featured / presented to us in this very film were in all honesty really lame. As all they were was just jump scares and they were jump scares that weren't even that well done as while granted you couldn't see them coming at you from a mile away alot of the time jump scares are quite alot of the time just not that scary and when you have a character who is forced to turn into a werewolf and you don't have him do anything that's all that scary then what's the point in even making this film as you could have done so much creepy and scary stuff with this character and yet the makers of this film chose just to have him jump scare people and that's it and that's not enough to make a film scary and while yes jump scares can indeed be very effective just look at the original Halloween for evidence of that but what that film did and what this film doesn't do is create atmosphere and tension and as such when a jump scare does happen in this film it's something that just does't work or just doesn't work as well it should have done as it feels like that the makers of this film but alot of effort into the werewolf design but then forgot to include some actual scares and so just throw in some jump scares and put in some spooky music over the top of them and called it a day as this films jump scares just come across as being that bad and that lazy as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall stick with the original film as this film is nothing more then a bland and average film that doesn't even know how to scare people and heck if you have the choice between seeing this film and Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare this weekend go and see Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare as at the very least then you'll still be entertained by how bad that film could be in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that really does mean that this very film really does earn itself a grand old score of exactly a 5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images hat I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from Tenor , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personally preferred website to use to get images from this film being Google Images simply because Google Images actually has images from this film really are up and on Google Images and plus pretty much much all of the images that I personally found on Google Images were all really very fairly high quality and as well as being as really very fairly high definition as well and so then horror fans we end this review as we always do with really our one and true goddess Elvira wishing us all some really very unpleasant dreams.

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