Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Addams Family "The Addams Family Goes to School" Review

Horror fans depending on where your seeing this review you'll know that in my previous review I gave you a little clue as to what my next review was going to be and when I say little I mean I straight up posted the title card from the show. Again depending on where your seeing this review you'll know that i've reviewed a few other things from this franchise but the one thing i've never done is reviewed an episode from the the original 1964 show and so here is my review of the first episode of The Addams Family "The Addams Family Goes to School" enjoy.

The plot of the episode is the local school board realises that both Pugsley and Wednesday have never gone to school and so send truant officer to try and get Morticia and Gomez to agree to let there children go to school and of course mishaps ensue. I honestly loved the story since it felt like something that would happen to The Addams Family and the fact highlighted how much Morticia and Gomez care for there kids was for me a good thing as well as the fact that it was honestly enjoyable to see play out , as such I didn't really want the episode to end.

Starring in the episode is of course the series main cast here consisting of John Astin as Gomez Addams, Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams , Ken Weatherwax as Pugsley Addams , Lisa Loring as Wednesday Addams , Blossom Rock as Grandmama , Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester and Ted Cassidy as Lurch. With the guest cast for this episode being Allyn Joslyn as Sam Hilliard , Madge Blake as Miss Comstock and Nydia Westman as Miss Morrison.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the episode given that i've only seen a very small handful of episodes from this show it was honestly pretty decent. I can't exactly say it was good because there are some performances that are fairly bad but at the same time there are some performances that are good but given that this was the first episode of the show you can't expect the acting to be perfect right away.

What many of you might not know is that in the original Charles Addams comic strips the main characters didn't have any names. Which for a comic strip is fine but that doesn't work for a live action TV show as such Charles Addams himself came up with the names for the characters as such whenever you see an Addams Family movie and they have there names you have this show to thank for them getting there names.

Another thing that this episode and this show introduced to us was the famous Addams Family theme song. Which has become so well known that it's honestly hard to picture any Addams Family adaptation without this theme song being played at some point and hell I bet the family the songs writer Vic Mizzy, are glad that he wrote the song because he'd hopefully still be getting checks for the song whenever it gets played.

As with The Munsters The Addams Family are a very close knit family and while the joke might be look at these strange people who think we are the strange ones. That doesn't take away from the fact that the family deeply care for each other and this episode is solid proof of that since Morticia and Gomez act like good parents when they comfort Wednesday and Pugsley after there first day of school which is something that we don't see happen in comedies anymore and I don't know why since it makes the parent characters look bad.

What also makes this family such a tight knit family is the fact that to them we are the strange ones and they are the "normal" ones. Since they are so unashamed of who they are and what they like which to others might seem strange and odd but to them it's normal and so we should strive to be more like The Addams Family and not be ashamed of who we are and what we like instead of liking things just because other people like them.

There are a few things that I didn't like the first of which being the Addams Family mansion which to me on the outside at least didn't look like something you'd expect The Addams Family to own or live in since it looked like a nice house on the outside. Things do get a little better on the inside but not much since it lacks that extra something to really make it look like something that this family would own as such this house just lacks character or charm.

The other thing that I didn't like is also kind of a positive and that's the fact that this episode wasn't long enough. The episode was only twenty five minuets long and I honestly wanted it to be longer because I was having such a good time with the episode and spending time with this version of the characters that I didn't want the episode to end but at the same time im glad that it did end because it left me wanting to see more of these characters.

Now then boys and girls since this is a comedy that means that we have to talk about the jokes that are in the episode. Which I honestly feel were really freaking good and i;m not going to lie I laughed out loud quite a few times during this episode which for me at least is very rare thing to do even when i'm on my own and so if there are jokes in this episode that got me to laugh out loud then you know that they must be good with my all time favourite joke in this episode being when Lurch is playing the organ and Morticia hits him on the head ad he suddenly starts playing something more upbeat and she starts dancing to it which is a simply joke but it's funny.

Overall this was a really funny episode hell this episode was so funny that they actually remade this episode in the nineties as the second episode of The New Addams Family but then again they also remade Halloween With The New Addams Family as well as the premier episode of The New Addams Family. This episode isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it does have solid pacing and solid jokes and solid acting all of which you want in a comedy as such this episode gets an 8.5 out of from me.

All images used in this review were gathered from either Google Images of The Addams Family official fandom wiki page. I'm not going to lie I had a blast covering this episode so much so that it's actually making me consider looking at other episodes from this series or other episodes from this franchise and yeah alot of the images were shockingly in HD so feel free to use either website if you want some HD Addams Family images and as always we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

The Munsters "Munster Masquerade" Review

Now then boy and girls just because something is apart of the horror genre doesn't mean that has to be scary. In fact sometimes it can quite funny as such i'm dedicating myself to review an episode from a classic comedy that has a horror motif but with so many to choose from where do I begin well how about with an episode from a show that alot of people just don't talk about anymore despite it's characters being well known and so here is my review of the first episode of The Munsters "Munster Masquerade" enjoy.

The plot of the episode is Marilyn Munster , her uncle , her Aunt and her grandpa are invited by Marilyn's boyfriend to his parents masquerade party. That's really it in terms of plot which is honestly all you need since this was a thirty minuet episode and yes there was kind of subplot involving Eddie and a babysitter but nothing really happens and honestly the story was decent it was entertaining and while you could see where the story was going that didn't stop it from being enjoyable to watch or see play out.

Starring in this episode are Yvonne De Carlo as Lily Munster (Vampire) , Al Lewis as Grandpa (Dracula) and Beverley Owen as Marilyn Munster. As well as Butch Patrick as Eddie Munster (A werewolf), Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster (Frankenstein) , Linden Chiles as Tom Daly , Mabel Albertson as Agnes Daly , Frank Wilcox as Albert Daly , Lurene Tuttle as Mrs. Morton and Walter Woolf King as George Washington.

As for what i thought about the acting in the episode it was honestly a lot better then what I was expecting it to be. Simply because I haven't really seen any episodes from this show in a really long time and so I had no idea what to expect performance wise and so to see that the acting in the episode is actually pretty good came as a shock to me and it honestly makes me want to see more episodes from this show.

Now incase your wondering why I put brackets around certain names it's because that character is based on one of the classic Universal Monsters. Honestly the idea of having these usually scary creatures be basically the stars of sitcom is honestly a rather refreshing idea and i'm shocked that no other studio or TV company has tried this idea since it honestly does work even more so when you write the character well which they are here.

To me what makes this show standout isn't that fact that's it's main cast of characters is mostly made up of horror monsters but it's the fact that they are a loving family. All throughout this episode we see the family go to great lengths to make other members of the family happy and that's because they truly do love each other and that's something that you don't see in comedies anymore and I don't know why that's the case.

To hit home what i was just saying about the family loving each other when someone insults Herman by saying he's wearing one mask underneath another Lilly gets her family together and they leave angry and upset. This is something that you just wouldn't see in a comedy these days heck you'd see the family get there jokes in before the big insult happens but here it really does show how much they love and care for each other.

There are a few downsides to this episode the first of which being the thin story which while it is entertaining and still isn't strong enough to support an entire episode. The other being that due to this story being what it is Eddie the youngest in the family has nothing to do in the episode and so spends much of his time off screen which makes those scenes hard to watch because there not fun and nothing funny is happening in them.

Now then since this is a comedy that does mean that we have to talk about the jokes that are in the episode itself. Which I honestly found to be pretty funny with alot of the jokes landing and getting a good laugh out of me , I won't say that all of the jokes are funny because honestly there not and infact alot of the jokes do seem pretty dated but the ones that work are the ones will always be funny no matter what kind of series or film they are in.

Overall this was a pretty funny episode and it's not hard to see why this show became as big as it did since this episode and the show has alot going for it. That doesn't mean that the show show is perfect however since that couldn't be further from the truth but it's a show that proves that just because it's apart of the horror genre doesn't mean that you can't have a few laughs as such this episode gets a 7.5 out of 10 from me and yes the above picture is my next review.

All images used in this review where gathered from either The Munsters official fandom wiki page , Wikipedia , Google Images or The Addams Family fandom wiki page. I'm honestly not that shocked that there aren't that many high definition images not only for this episode but for the show since both came out in 1964 but I did the best with what little I had to work with and as always we end this review with our true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.


Thursday, 16 July 2020

Highschool Of The Dead Episodes 1-3 Review

Anime fans since I had such a good time talking with both you and horror fans a few days ago I thought that i'd do it again only this time instead of doing a review of an hour long episode I thought that i'd do something a little harder. Which is do a review of an episode of an anime series now for this one I had to watch three episodes since they told one story but either way it was still a challenge and so here is my review of the first three episodes of "Highschool Of The Dead" enjoy guys and girls regardless of if you love anime and horror or not.

The overall plot of the three episodes is a zombie outbreak has just broke out and so a group of high school students , the schools nurse and a teacher who works at the school have to find a way out of the school before they to are bitten and turned into zombies. I will admit that the summery of the plot was a lot easier then what I thought it was going to be and it was honestly alot of fun seeing the story play out which for me at least is always a good thing.

Starring in the episodes are Leraldo Anzaldua as Takashi Komuro , Jessica Boone as Rei Miyamoto and David Matranga as Hisashi Igou. Also starring in the episodes are Maggie Flecknoe as Saya Takagi , Mark X. Laskowski as Kohta Hirano , Illich Guardiola as Koichi Shido , Taylor Hannah as Saeko Busujima , Monica Rial as Shizuka Marikawa , Emily Neves as Miku Yuuki and Melissa Davis as Misuzu Ichijou.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in these episodes it was honestly alot better then what I remember it being. I say that because the vast majority of these actors are unknowns and so you don't really know what kind of performance to expect from them and so to see that the acting is actually pretty good is in my opinion a good thing since it shows that the actors were taking the roles and the show seriously.

The animation for these episodes and the rest of the series was done by Madhouse who have worked on so many shows and movies you actually wouldn't believe it. As for what I thought about the animation in the episodes , it was honestly alot better then it really had any right to be since when you here about a show with the name Highschool Of The Dead you don't expect the animation to be that good but no they actually turned in animation that looks really good.

For those that don't know this anime is based on the manga of the same name and while I have read the manga it was a few years ago as such I have no idea if this is a good adaptation or not. I can say tho that if your looking for a completed version of Highschool Of The Dead then your going to be disappointed since the creator of the manga Daisuke Satō sadly passed away in 2017 which is a shame because this could have been Japan's answer to The Walking Dead not the TV show but the comics just to make things clear.

What I can say is that series these episodes are honestly really fun I could honestly see myself going and re-watching these episodes even more then I usually do. To me what makes these episodes fun is not only the main characters and there interactions but also the fact that it's a zombie show that doesn't take itself to seriously , this show isn't afraid to have a serious moment and then tell a joke right after it which makes the show fun to watch.

I really loved the character of Saya Takagi as played by Maggie Flecknoe simply because she has so much sass in these three episodes. I honestly found myself laughing alot due to what she said because she always said it with some sass and that just made me laugh plus alot of what she was saying in these episodes are thinks that we would be saying if a zombie outbreak did occur which only made them more funny.

Now there's no getting around this but these episodes and fall of fanservice shots which i'll admit do get a little distracting. However tho they didn't detract from the plot of the episodes nor did they distract from the characters but I do think that the show would have been better without those fanservice shots in them just because for a horror show they don't match with that , hell the end of the opening is just a bunch of fanservice shots so anyone who just watched the opening and nothing more would think that the show is just just fanservice and have nothing to do with zombies.

Now of course this show does feature zombies who here are referred to simply as Them and I have to say I liked how they did them not only in these episodes but in this anime. Here they are portrayed as creatures who are attracted solely by sound which to me is an interesting idea simply because it means that you can create more scares and have more tension simply by having your main characters or any character get face to face with a zombie and at any minuet the zombie could attack that to me is such a scary idea and i'm shocked that no other media be it animated or not have even thought of using this idea.

Overall these are some really fun episodes and they are a great example of what this show can be like when it's at it's best. That doesn't make this show perfect tho because it's not since they do sometimes do a joke at the wrong moment  and there are times where the amount of dumb is just to much to handle but the overall majority of things in these three episode are are really good and so these episode get a combined score of a 7.5 out of 10 from me and as always we end this review as we always do with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

All images for this review were gathered from either MyAnimeList , Kissmanga , the official Highschool Of The Dead fandom wiki page or Google Images. I'm going to admit i;m disappointed that alot of these images aren't that HD but I did the best i could with the sources that are available to me but I honestly thought that the images would be HD but if you want to use high quality images then use anyone of these websites unless you want to get stuck in zombie apocalypse.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Hellsing: Ultimate 1 Review

Anime fans today and possibly tomorrow i'm not exactly sure yet you'll be spending sometime with a group of people who love all things that go bump in the night and that includes yours cruelly and yes that was an Elvira reference. The reason for this is because well I thought that instead of reviewing an anime horror movie of which I only have two and have covered them both i thought that i'd take a look at and review a single episode of an anime and so here is my review of "Hellsing: Ultimate 1" enjoy everyone. 

The plot of the episode is when a vampire attacks a village in England the Hellsing Organization which is charged with taking care of all things that go bump in the night step in to handle it but it turns that this attack is one of many that has been happening over several weeks. In terms of what I thought about the plot of this episode ti was rather simple and was very easy to follow but I do wish that there was more to the story then what we got tho.

Starring in this episode are Steven Brand as Richard Hellsing and Alexander Anderson and Victoria Harwood as Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing. Also starring in this episode are John E. Breen as Arthur Hellsing , Ralph Listeras as Walter C. Dornez , Crispin Freeman as Alucard , Katherine T. Gray as Seras Victoria , William Frederick Knight as Father Renaldo , Gildart Jackson as The Major and J.B. Blanc as The Cheddar Priest.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in this episode it honestly wasn't that bad all of the actors fit there roles perfectly and so I can't picture anyone else voicing these characters or playing them in live action simply due to the fact that i'll always here these actors voices in my head. Part of what makes the acting so good in my opinion is that alot of these actors are reprising their roles from the Hellsing anime series and so they know how that character would react in certain situations which to me helps the performances.

Doing the animation for this episode was Satelight who of course worked on Fairy Tail as well as the Kamichama Karin TV series. I have no idea what the budget was for this series but given the high quality of the images I assume that it was rather high because yeah the animation in this episode is so freaking good as much as I really freaking want to I cannot give this animation enough praise because the words just don't exist that's how good it is and the fact that they had good looking CGI on a TV show budget is just freaking insane i've seen shows made a few years ago that can't pull that off and here a show from 2006 pulls it off with little to no effort.

Now like what happens to alot of manga after a while this series is alot closer to the original manga then the 2001 Hellsing: Impure Souls anime was with that series just using the characters and not the overall storyline. Here tho both the characters and the storyline are used and while the overall storyline will be played out over the the following nine episodes alot of the volumes for those episodes would have scenes skipped or removed here tho everything that's in volume 1 appears in this episode and I freaking loved that because it wasn't something that they had to do and so the fact that the makers of this version of the franchise went that extra mile to me says that they saw the potential in the storyline and it payed of because things get freaking insane.

One of the down sides for me at least is that this episode is barely an hour long with the final running time being around fifty five minuets. Which to me is a bad thing because it means that things get rushed as such I honestly feel that for this episode at least it would have been better served if it was at least an hour and a half long since there's more then enough room in the story for it to be that long and if it was that long that key plot points wouldn't be rushed and neither would key character building moments either.

Now I would like to take a second to talk about one of the shows main characters that being the stunning as all hell Seras Victoria as played by Katherine T. Gray. Since I noticed that this episode starts of a plot arc for the character that being her wish to remain human or as human as she can , this is honestly something that I never noticed before when watching this episode but when watching this time it suddenly hit me that's what they were doing with her character and to me it was really interesting because in any media whenever someone gets turned into a vampire they except it right away but here we see someone almost struggle to come to terms with the fact that she's no longer human and that to me makes her a more tragic character.

This episode does have some comedy in it which I feel works really well because of where they place and who they have in that moment makes it work for me. To put it simply they have a newly turned Seras Victoria acting comedic because she had a nightmare which to me works because they have it take place right after a really serious and dramatic moment and so having that moment to laugh before things get serious again to me works really well and because it happened to Seras who is pretty much the punching bag of this series makes it work.

Now then I would talk about the horror element of this episode but it just boils down to the fact that there vampires and nothing more so instead i'm just going to talk about the action in the episode. Which I feel was really freaking awesome I will say that there isn't that much action in this episode but whenever there is an action sequence something cool and bada*s happens and it's always great to see those moments.

Overall this is really freaking good episode that I cannot recommend enough simply due to how freaking cool some of the action is. That being said this isn't a perfect since i've listed a few of it's flaws in this review but for me the good far out weigh the bad here and while the bad things in the episode are big issues to me they don't take away from my enjoyment of the episode as such this episode gets an 8.5 out of 10 from me and as always horror fans we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

All images used in this review were gathered from either Google Images or the official Hellsing fandom wiki page. If you guys want to use some pretty high quality images then I highly recommend that you used either one of these websites since both do have high quality images especially when it comes to this episode but of cause if you don't want to use them then i'll do nothing because that's OK and you have the choice to use whatever website you want. 

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Review

Resident Evil fans it's finally been done with this review i've now watched and reviewed every single one of the live action Resident Evil films and my god is it good to be at the end. I honestly don't know what horror film i'll be tackling after this but I do know that the chances of my covering an entire franchise of films like this is very freaking slim and so for the last time join my as I review "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" enjoy.

The plot of the movie is Alice has just 48 hours in order to destroy what's left of the Umbrella Cooperation and release a core for the T-virus before the last of the human race is wiped out. I will give this film for having some resemblance of a story which is something that the previous two films didn't have but with that being said the story is still pretty freaking bad and is at best very thinly drawn out which is something that i've come to expect from these films by now.

Returning for this film are one of the two reasons to watch the sequels and franchise star Milla Jovovich as Alice , the other reason to watch these sequels Ali Larter as Claire Redfield , Iain Glen as Dr. Alexander Isaacs and Shawn Roberts as Albert Wesker. Joining them are Eoin Macken as Doc , Fraser James as Razor , Former Batwoman star Ruby Rose as Abigail , William Levy as Christian and the daughter of Milla Jovovich and Paul W.S. Anderson Ever Gabo Anderson as The Red Queen and Young Alicia Marcus.

I don't really think that it needs saying at thus point but yeah the acting in this film is pretty freaking bad. Yes the actors who you expect great performances from do a solid job but even they can't turn in a great performance when they are given this bad script to work with and the same goes for all of the new actors as well who are just left struggling trying to make the script work which sadly is something that they fail to do.

This film does something that none of the other films apart from the first one have dared to do and that's give Alice a backstory. I honestly cannot believe that it's taken them this long to give the main character of the franchise a backstory and while there is a chance that it retcons what was said about her in the first movie it is still a very welcome edition and the fact that her backstory plays a huge part in the films thin story is just the cherry on top.

During a final film in a franchise you should get a feeling of this is really the end and that's something that this film doesn't do. Simply because all of the other sequels apart from the second film have had an ending that kind of ends the franchise and so to me this doesn't feel like it's the final film in the franchise but rather just another lame live action Resident Evil sequel which is something that should never be the case.

Unlike the last film which was so dull that I wouldn't blame anyone if they fell asleep during it this one at least tries to be entertaining. I say tries because even tho there are some entertaining moments in the film what stops it from being fully entertaining is the fact that like the previous film this one takes it self far to seriously and thus it can't be fully entertaining 'because of how serious the film takes itself and that doesn't make it fun to watch.

This film straight up makes Alice look dumb as hell because up until the previous film she's shown that she can be quite smart and well as we find out in this film the ending of the previous film was all one big trap. This right here makes Alice look dumb because she knows what Umbrella can do and what Wesker can do as such you'd think that she would at least be prepared for the fact that he's telling a lie which as in turns out she wasn't which si a dumb thing for her character since again she knows what Wesker is like.

What I found really hard to believe is that there's suddenly a cure for the virus which to me makes no sense because in the second film they were trying to contain it as such the cure would have been useful there and then but it wasn't relevant to the plot so there you go. Why they chose to hold of on this vital piece of information is truly beyond since there are quite a few times when the cure would have been useful in these films.

Another thing that really doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things is the fact that The Red Queen is now suddenly a good guy. This doesn't make sense because there are films in this franchise where she's trying to kill Alice and whoever she's with at the time and so for her to suddenly turn out to be a good guy doesn't make the slightest bit of sense at all and it makes me wonder if the makers of these films even watched the films that they were making.

Now then boys and girls as you'll know if you followed this series of reviews these films stopped being horror films around Afterlife and became more of an action film. Sadly this trend continues with this film don't get me wrong there are some attempts to try and be scary but they don't work at all and as for the action it's actually pretty entertaining but again they do nothing new it's just Milla being bada*s which is something we've seen already.

Overall this was a pretty bad ending to the franchise but at least it ended and didn't drag on for several sequels. There are a ton of things wrong with this film and it is in my opinion the worst one in the whole franchise which is a shame because the early films showed such promise and so I don't know what happened to make these sequels pretty bad as such this film gets a 3 out of 10 from and as always we end this review with our true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams and thank you all for following me on this mini series.

As you all know by now the images for this review were gathered from either the official Resident Evil fandom wiki page or Google Images. I just want to say again thank you for following me with this series of reviews this is the first time that i've covered a seven film series and it's alot harder then it looks and so if you want to use high quality images please use any of these websites trust me you won't regrett it.

Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Resident Evil: Retribution Review

Guys and girls with this review there is officially one more Resident Evil live action film for me to watch and sadly i'm not quite sure when I can get it to you there's a chance it could be tomorrow morning / afternoon but i'll definitely get it to you the start of next week. However tho it does mean that we now reach what I think is the most boring film in the franchise and so join my for my review of "Resident Evil: Retribution" enjoy. 

The plot what little there is is that Alice with the help of Ada Wong , Leon S. Kennedy , Luther West and Barry Burton have to escape and Umbrella facility while being chased by Jill Valentine and clone versions of characters from both the first and second films. Yeah there is very little story in this film which is shocking because the last film had very little story and so you'd have thought that they would have learned there lesson well it turns out they didn't because this one somehow has even less story in it then Afterlife did.

Reprising their roles for in this film are franchise star and the only reason to watch these sequels now that Ali Larter isn't in them is Milla Jovovich as Alice , Sienna Guillory as Jill Valentine , Michelle Rodriguez as Rain Ocampo , Boris Kodjoe as Luther West , Oded Fehr as Carlos Oliveira , Shawn Roberts as Albert Wesker and Colin Salmon as James "One" Shade. Joining them are Li Bingbing as Ada Wong , Johann Urb as Leon S. Kennedy , Kevin Durand as Barry Burton and Megan Charpentier (voice provided by Ave Merson-O'Brian) as The Red Queen.

Like I said in my review of the first live action Resident Evil film no one goes into these films expecting great acting and sadly that's still true with this film. Since yeah the acting sucks so hard yes there are actors who are trying such as Michelle Rodriguez , Milla Jovovich and Sienna Guillory but everyone else just isn't even trying to out in a good or even passable performance apart from the three that I mentioned they are all just doing the bare minimum and nothing more which is never a good thing no matter what the film is.

As you can no doubt see by the characters that are in the cast list this film introduces quite a few characters from the games. Which is a big issue because this film is only an hour and a thirty minuets long which really isn't long enough to introduce these new characters , tell us who they are and give us a reason as to why we should care about them as such all of the characters get these really forced introductions with unnatural dialog or no introduction at all which is a shame because on paper these could have been cool characters.

It seems that Paul W.S. Anderson loves to retcon his own movies because this movie actually retconns the second movie just by having the character of  Leon S. Kennedy. Since in a piece of marketing for that film it was established that Leon had died and yet here he is very much alive and so it makes no sense that the guy who would have had to go that piece of marketing would suddenly forget that he killed the character of.

The one thing that this film does and that the other films didn't do is try to be an artsy type film this film tries to be something that it's not. Which in this case is a film that requires you to think the other films didn't do that because they knew that they weren't that type of film but for some reason even tho this film had the same writer as the rest of them it tries to be an art films and it fails because of how much dumb stuff is in it and it puts all the people that came to see the cool stuff because now there's all these shots that feel more at home in an art house film.

A key example of this is the opening which for some unknown reason is told backwards which just doesn't works at all. At least with the other openings they at least tried to make sense all this one does is show an action scene but in reverse but to it's credit it does mean that we get see Milla's a*s very early in the movie granted you can barely see it but now the director doesn't have to find a way to get her wet and in tight clothes.

Honestly how they bring back these dead characters even tho it's dumb and obvious as all hell it's something that oddly works for this franchise. Creating clones is something that the Umbrella Corporation has done before just look at Extinction as proof of that and so it makes sense that they would create clones of there employees and use them in various especially now there's only a few bases left however it's still a pretty dumb way to bring these characters tho.

This film is perhaps the most boring one of them all simply because nothing happens plot wise and the characters are just uninteresting even the returning characters both clone and not clone. Which is a shame because the other films as bad as they can be are at least somewhat entertaining here tho anything that's even close to being entertaining is just non-existent and so I wouldn't blame you if this film caused you to fall asleep hell i'm pretty sure that I fell asleep when I first watched this film back when it first came out on DVD.

As you know at this point the franchise stopped being a horror franchise and started being more of an action franchise only with zombies and other creatures in it. Yet with that being said while the action can indeed be passable at times with some pretty cool stuff in them but the vast majority of them just like the rest of the film is boring as hell it's just the same stuff that we've seen before in the other movies with nothing new added to them oh and for some strange reason they give Alice her powers back even tho they made a big deal out of getting rid of them in the previous films but there you go that's the Resident Evil sequels for you.

Overall the worst thing that anyone can say about any film is that it's boring and that's sadly that's true for this film. Now don't get me wrong there are a few good things in this film but number one you have to sit through alot of bad things and number two you have to stay awake both of which will be a challenge during this film as such this film gets a 4.5 out of 10 from me and as always we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira Mistress Of The Dark wishing all of us some very unpleasant dreams.

All images for this review were gathered from either the official Resident Evil fandom wiki page or Google Images. I really do wish that I could come up with a joke here the fact this film just sucked all of the joy out of me but knowing that there's one more film left has brought a smile to me and so I shall see you all in the next review when I finally finish of the live action Resident Evil films with "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" unpleasant dreams.




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