Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Addams Family "The Addams Family Goes to School" Review

Horror fans depending on where your seeing this review you'll know that in my previous review I gave you a little clue as to what my next review was going to be and when I say little I mean I straight up posted the title card from the show. Again depending on where your seeing this review you'll know that i've reviewed a few other things from this franchise but the one thing i've never done is reviewed an episode from the the original 1964 show and so here is my review of the first episode of The Addams Family "The Addams Family Goes to School" enjoy.

The plot of the episode is the local school board realises that both Pugsley and Wednesday have never gone to school and so send truant officer to try and get Morticia and Gomez to agree to let there children go to school and of course mishaps ensue. I honestly loved the story since it felt like something that would happen to The Addams Family and the fact highlighted how much Morticia and Gomez care for there kids was for me a good thing as well as the fact that it was honestly enjoyable to see play out , as such I didn't really want the episode to end.

Starring in the episode is of course the series main cast here consisting of John Astin as Gomez Addams, Carolyn Jones as Morticia Addams , Ken Weatherwax as Pugsley Addams , Lisa Loring as Wednesday Addams , Blossom Rock as Grandmama , Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester and Ted Cassidy as Lurch. With the guest cast for this episode being Allyn Joslyn as Sam Hilliard , Madge Blake as Miss Comstock and Nydia Westman as Miss Morrison.

In terms of what I thought about the acting in the episode given that i've only seen a very small handful of episodes from this show it was honestly pretty decent. I can't exactly say it was good because there are some performances that are fairly bad but at the same time there are some performances that are good but given that this was the first episode of the show you can't expect the acting to be perfect right away.

What many of you might not know is that in the original Charles Addams comic strips the main characters didn't have any names. Which for a comic strip is fine but that doesn't work for a live action TV show as such Charles Addams himself came up with the names for the characters as such whenever you see an Addams Family movie and they have there names you have this show to thank for them getting there names.

Another thing that this episode and this show introduced to us was the famous Addams Family theme song. Which has become so well known that it's honestly hard to picture any Addams Family adaptation without this theme song being played at some point and hell I bet the family the songs writer Vic Mizzy, are glad that he wrote the song because he'd hopefully still be getting checks for the song whenever it gets played.

As with The Munsters The Addams Family are a very close knit family and while the joke might be look at these strange people who think we are the strange ones. That doesn't take away from the fact that the family deeply care for each other and this episode is solid proof of that since Morticia and Gomez act like good parents when they comfort Wednesday and Pugsley after there first day of school which is something that we don't see happen in comedies anymore and I don't know why since it makes the parent characters look bad.

What also makes this family such a tight knit family is the fact that to them we are the strange ones and they are the "normal" ones. Since they are so unashamed of who they are and what they like which to others might seem strange and odd but to them it's normal and so we should strive to be more like The Addams Family and not be ashamed of who we are and what we like instead of liking things just because other people like them.

There are a few things that I didn't like the first of which being the Addams Family mansion which to me on the outside at least didn't look like something you'd expect The Addams Family to own or live in since it looked like a nice house on the outside. Things do get a little better on the inside but not much since it lacks that extra something to really make it look like something that this family would own as such this house just lacks character or charm.

The other thing that I didn't like is also kind of a positive and that's the fact that this episode wasn't long enough. The episode was only twenty five minuets long and I honestly wanted it to be longer because I was having such a good time with the episode and spending time with this version of the characters that I didn't want the episode to end but at the same time im glad that it did end because it left me wanting to see more of these characters.

Now then boys and girls since this is a comedy that means that we have to talk about the jokes that are in the episode. Which I honestly feel were really freaking good and i;m not going to lie I laughed out loud quite a few times during this episode which for me at least is very rare thing to do even when i'm on my own and so if there are jokes in this episode that got me to laugh out loud then you know that they must be good with my all time favourite joke in this episode being when Lurch is playing the organ and Morticia hits him on the head ad he suddenly starts playing something more upbeat and she starts dancing to it which is a simply joke but it's funny.

Overall this was a really funny episode hell this episode was so funny that they actually remade this episode in the nineties as the second episode of The New Addams Family but then again they also remade Halloween With The New Addams Family as well as the premier episode of The New Addams Family. This episode isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it does have solid pacing and solid jokes and solid acting all of which you want in a comedy as such this episode gets an 8.5 out of from me.

All images used in this review were gathered from either Google Images of The Addams Family official fandom wiki page. I'm not going to lie I had a blast covering this episode so much so that it's actually making me consider looking at other episodes from this series or other episodes from this franchise and yeah alot of the images were shockingly in HD so feel free to use either website if you want some HD Addams Family images and as always we end this review with our one true goddess Elvira wishing us all some very unpleasant dreams.

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